Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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My guess is the female bodylifter had gone through horomone replacement? Article I saw says that org allows competition with zero horomone replacement and the Avi person even listed him or herself as a male competitor...guessing it was just a jig. I get the mockery. And also the disappointment.

There should be better policies at bare minimum, though it's unfortunately an impossible situation. You almost need a separate category for trans athletes, as crappy as that is when it comes to individuals just wanting to feel comfortable in their own skin. But it's reasonable imo too. Those born with the right chemicals...and through their developmental years...will almost always hold advantages long-term. Though it's a slippery slope into racial situations too...the fairness of some races so clearly more athletic for some types of competitions, hope it doesn't go that far either. Some people will always be advantaged and disadvantaged. That's humankind. Or else we'll get into size pay gaps and everything in between.
The only thing to make it fair to women is for trans women to have a separate category. Not heard of any trans men trying to compete against actual men. Whatever that body lifter went through, he still destroyed the competition and enjoyed it throughly until he was beat. The funny thing about the Leah situation was he only tied for first place. The thing that was not funny was he was given the trophy for a photo op.
My guess is the female bodylifter had gone through horomone replacement? Article I saw says that org allows competition with zero horomone replacement and the Avi person even listed him or herself as a male competitor...guessing it was just a jig. I get the mockery. And also the disappointment.

There should be better policies at bare minimum, though it's unfortunately an impossible situation. You almost need a separate category for trans athletes, as crappy as that is when it comes to individuals just wanting to feel comfortable in their own skin. But it's reasonable imo too. Those born with the right chemicals...and through their developmental years...will almost always hold advantages long-term. Though it's a slippery slope into racial situations too...the fairness of some races so clearly more athletic for some types of competitions, hope it doesn't go that far either. Some people will always be advantaged and disadvantaged. That's humankind. Or else we'll get into size pay gaps and everything in between.
It’s already fixed….. the men’s division is an open division where anyone can compete…. The female division is for biological women only…. The problem is that women’s division is the only one that the majority of transgenders can win.
The only thing to make it fair to women is for trans women to have a separate category. Not heard of any trans men trying to compete against actual men. Whatever that body lifter went through, he still destroyed the competition and enjoyed it throughly until he was beat. The funny thing about the Leah situation was he only tied for first place. The thing that was not funny was he was given the trophy for a photo op.
Amen, couldn’t have said it any better. I’m not against anyone living the way they feel is true to them, but what I do have a problem with is trans women competing in women sports. It creates an unfair advantage by body types. Women have for fought hard for equality only to have that bar moved again.
If we’re all honest Fulmer should’ve been gone after that 05’ season. Love him but I think about all the what ifs. Great guy, great recruiter, loves Tennessee. Just had his downfall. Happens.
That 06’ season was one of the most frustrating ever with so many missed opportunities
Random thought but was thinking about how close Tennessee was so many times from a lot more hardware than Tennessee ended up winning
It wouldn't. Once you reach a certain depth the pressure crushes every fiber of your body and the air in your lungs becomes denser than the water. Something like that.

In a lake dead ppl float up after they start accumulating gasses from decomposing but I don't think enough gas would be produced (or microbial processes be active) to float you.
That's not what I mean. Let's pretend your body or some other buoyant object can float from that depth. How long would it take to cover 8k+ meters. It's just an exercise to understand how deep it actually is.

Maybe it's easier to imagine how long it would take to get to 1,000fr in a hot air balloon, rising at the same pace a human rises from a short depth underwater. . . then multiply that x8
That's not what I mean. Let's pretend your body or some other buoyant object can float from that depth. How long would it take to cover 8k+ meters. It's just an exercise to understand how deep it actually is.

Maybe it's easier to imagine how long it would take to get to 1,000fr in a hot air balloon, rising at the same pace a human rises from a short depth underwater. . . then multiply that x8
anybody got a link to baseball game stream
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