Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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So why did he play against Vandy? After SC loss, we had no chance to play in the playoffs so it was “meaningless”. Why play and get hurt in a meaningless game and ruin his draft opportunity?

I’m sorry newt - I just don’t agree - my son and all his friends argue this with me every day but to me, some things are bigger than “me”. That some thing is my team. I see it as we got this far together, let’s finish this together.

I love all he did this year and I’m happy for his successes - he!! I was voting like a crazy lady! But I’m still disappointed in his decision…I didn’t think he would opt out of this bowl. I thought he’d play so I guess that’s part of my disappointment. I don’t hate him or think he’s a horrid person, I’m just disappointed. I’ll get off my soapbox now - Go Vols! 🧡

Y’all gonna banish me to the ff now? 😳
I understand completely. I feel the same. Figured he’d go pro, but thought the attitude would be more like Darnell... one more chance to wear the orange and white with my brothers. Just because we’re not in the playoff, it doesn’t end your season. If that were the case, all but 4 teams should just roll over. Like you, I voted like crazy for him and would do it all over again, just a little surprised by the decision as well. Just my 2 cents.
Tomorrow is Recruiting Christmas. Some good surprises would be nice, but I'm not expecting any. I haven't heard any rumblings of us potentially flipping anyone.
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Mitchell is absolutely awful anyways

Total waste of a scholarship and playing time that could have been given to a 3* with upside developmental potential.

If there were images of "lost as a goose" or "even bad at pile checking" for football, it would have #10 on it. That's on DC Banks for wasting time and snaps on him.
Total waste of a scholarship and playing time that could have been given to a 3* with upside developmental potential.

If there were images of "lost as a goose" or "even bad at pile checking" for football, it would have #10 on it. That's on DC Banks for wasting time and snaps on him.
we had literally no other options.

And for that, I blame Jean-Marie & Banks.
I would like to know who this staff is really after in the portal, if anybody.
Total waste of a scholarship and playing time that could have been given to a 3* with upside developmental potential.

If there were images of "lost as a goose" or "even bad at pile checking" for football, it would have #10 on it. That's on DC Banks for wasting time and snaps on him.

I think we will see the young DB's and LB's play a lot this year, not only out of necessity but just setting them up for the future. We went 10-2 with really not much of a D in the big picture of things this year so if we can still get good production out of the offense who knows what lays ahead.
I think we will see the young DB's and LB's play a lot this year, not only out of necessity but just setting them up for the future. We went 10-2 with really not much of a D in the big picture of things this year so if we can still get good production out of the offense who knows what lays ahead.
As a lover of good defense, I will continue to lobby for getting better on that side of the ball. As much as our success as a team elated me this season, our defense left me sick. Especially at SCar.

I will say my defensive highlight of the season was the Doneiko Slaughter hit that led to an INT. We need a gif of that.
Great news. He was horrible.
Yep…. I didn’t want him hindering our younger players getting on the field.
I think we will see the young DB's and LB's play a lot this year, not only out of necessity but just setting them up for the future. We went 10-2 with really not much of a D in the big picture of things this year so if we can still get good production out of the offense who knows what lays ahead.
98D58C0D-229E-4E2F-8D68-DC832681FC9E.pngEveryone always says that but this is where we finished as a defense…. Don’t let a few bad games over shadow the job that this unit did…. We also played probably the toughest schedule and the only team that played both Georgia and Alabama. This is also facing the most possessions of any team in the conference.
6’ 4” and 305 lbs is undersized? He is quick too.
That's NFL size nowadays. They seem to go for the 310 lb- 320 lb guys. I think Nate Davis for the Titans only weighs around 285........he gets destroyed on a regular basis but still.......
They do seem to play things pretty close to the vest, something we are not use to around here.
The recruiting sites need to expand their portal coverage and do a better job of reporting where transfers are visiting. I'd love just to know who has or will be visiting us.
As a lover of good defense, I will continue to lobby for getting better on that side of the ball. As much as our success as a team elated me this season, our defense left me sick. Especially at SCar.

I will say my defensive highlight of the season was the Doneiko Slaughter hit that led to an INT. We need a gif of that.
I agree but I have to believe they as a staff have a plan......I have no idea what it is but a plan. I'm hoping that this last year we just didn't have the players to do what Banks wanted and they feel those type players are developing or are on the way....time will tell but running a defense that gives the other WR's 10-15 yds at the jump won't get it done in the long run.
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