One of the 'leaders' was a bipolar schizophren, who's plan was to eradicate all those with Jewish ancestry, Endoslung der Judenfrage. A relatively small, somewhat landlocked Country requiring massive importation of resources - requiring fear tactics and a perverted sense of Nationalism to motivate itself.
German engineering, far superior to anything else at the time - lacked resources, manpower, and really was - doomed.
The other, 'led' by Centuries old traditions and hierarchy. Itself the perfect balance of precision & warfare. Again, reliant on other Countries for importation of resources, had it not been for that very thing!- likely would have succeeded in its goal to take over the Pacific area of the globe.
However, their 'divine' leader, the god-man. Hirohito was just that. A man. The fallibility and insane ideas that spring from thinking David can best Goliath, are perversions of reality.
With every Japanese soldier dead, every battleship sunk - so was the inevitability.
In essence, the delusions of grandeur blurred lines of reason. One truly taking power, himself on grips of insanity. Other, holdover from Centuries ago. Society adhering to a perverted ideology that their winning is divinely inspired. Doomed for failure from get go.
not much of a plan.