Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Some of the posts in this are pretty hilarious. The SC fans really honestly believe that SB is a world class coach and everyone should agree.

Come on now. The guy won 8 games last season! Wow! He's their next uhhh Spurrier and will lead them to another 0 grand total SEC titles all-time! Mediocrity here we come!
Further proof that USCjr fans should be funneled into a psych ward. They are literally saying he's the THIRD best coach in the SEC.

For catching lightening in a bottle for two weeks in a flukey as hell win over us and the completely inept DJ Ukelele who cant hit a 5 yard swing pass? Beating average ACC UNC in a bowl game in his first year?
Let's not forget the great accomplishment of losing to the same ND team that lost to Marshall in their bowl game right as USCjr peaked!

Hell of a ball coach that young Beamer is!
I'd flip Pittman and Beamer. Possibly flip Napier and ED as well. Napier will have his chance to move up the rankings, tho, because that program is currently a mess. But you wouldn't expect it to stay that way. I'd probably put Freeze at #6, leave Jimbo at #7, and have Stoops at #8.
You're on crack. . . freeze has done 0 recently in the SEC.
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Some of the posts in this are pretty hilarious. The SC fans really honestly believe that SB is a world class coach and everyone should agree.

One could argue overall Heupel should be ranked 3rd. Brian Kelly has no NY6 bowl wins in nearly 20 years as a Head Coach at the FBS level. Take out the few years at CMU and Cincinnati that still leaves him at zero. That’s with over 10 years at ND and LSU. Heupel has a better win percentage and has won a NY6 in only 5 seasons. 2 seasons of which is at a power 5 school compared to over a decade for Kelly. Kelly isn’t bad but I’d put him 4th. Kiffin over Heupel is a complete joke. Not sure how anyone could legitimately say that with a straight face. Mediocre win percentage. Mediocre results. Even at a USC.
You know, I’m going to say (post) it. How is De1? No, not a fake asking and he took a lot of guff from here, but he brought a lot of it on himself. Brashness, I can certainly understand, but it works better when you’re standing toe to toe to someone versus just words on a message board of people you’ve never met.
Hopefully well.

Probably just taking a break because people were pretty crappy towards him. I get the back and forth and his part in it, but then a few posters took it too far jabbing at his chosen profession and such. It got downright silly and too FF-like. I've always enjoyed this place because at the end of the day we're all Vol fans and find common ground and respect. Which he didn't always get the benefit of the doubt of.
That actually seems like a reasonable ranking. Id probably move Heupel above Kiffin and then above Kelly if Heupel fires off another 11+ win season. Kelly has a longer history, but it'd be hard to deny how fast Heupel is climbing and the success he's having here and prior.
I think it's a strong list as well. I'd push Pittman just above Beamer. 6-8 I think you could mix up anyway you want. Heupel or Kiffin, mix them up either way at this moment. Kelly should be 3rd for some time given his longevity and track record. Look back in 2-3 years.

One thing, perception wise, we have to remember that has stuck to some for Heupel...even Chatta got some grief this time last year posting about Heupel's "downward trajectory" at UCF and how that might look if recreated here (there is just too much to dig into rn, but clearly I think 90% of it is a false perception and Chatta spoke to some of that as well to be fair to him...he always is fair). But some still see his UCF record going down and that has stuck. It will take some more winning seasons to shed that image for some.
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My list of where SEC coaches stand currently.

I think Lea is better than that. He took a 0 win team and nearly reached a bowl in Y2 (well about 56 points short...but still 😅).

Not saying he's the next Jimmy Franks, but I'd put him a bit higher. Solid coach. And while Napier gets some credit for his ULL days, I could see him moving down in the next few years. He's already lost control.
I don’t see how you can put Kelly above Heupel. We spanked them.
And we beat Saban. Does that make him better than the GOAT? They are looking at years of stuff, not single game points.

If you only looked at single game outcomes, you'd end up in a big circular web of information where Hype is better than Saban, but Beamer is better than Hype, but Saban is better than Beamer....and so on...

Not that any of this matters much. Our dude is on the come up and that's all that matters.
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And we beat Saban. Does that make him better than the GOAT? They are looking at years of stuff, not single game points.

If you only looked at single game outcomes, you'd end up in a big circular web of information where Hype is better than Saban, but Beamer is better than Hype, but Saban is better than Beamer....and so on...

Not that any of this matters much. Our dude is on the come up and that's all that matters.
Yep…. I think Heupel can end up passing several of them but he hasn’t yet.
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I think Lea is better than that. He took a 0 win team and nearly reached a bowl in Y2 (well about 56 points short...but still 😅).

Not saying he's the next Jimmy Franks, but I'd put him a bit higher. Solid coach. And while Napier gets some credit for his ULL days, I could see him moving down in the next few years. He's already lost control.
Yeah I'd put him above Arnett, Napier and Dinky Dink
On May 27, 1991, the Bulls beat the Pistons 115-94 en route to an emphatic series sweep. Just over two weeks later, they were NBA champions.

The Pistons walk off the court with 8 seconds left...................

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