Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Just you and the wife, huh? That must be soo romantic for you both. I bet you planned to find an eel, then say 'that's a Moray.'

Seriously, sounds fun. Always extra happy for those folks that save, plan, and tick it off bucket list. All the best.
Thanks. We made it to Nassau. I couldn't sleep last night so I'm about 30 hrs without sleep. It's the wife, and another couple.

I wish I could have attended the Alabama game last year.

Arkansas vs Tennessee 1998 for me. Hard to believe we'd lose the game after our incredible TD drive before the end of the half, the blocked FG and Al Wilson return, the high snap on the punt for a safety, and we all know what happened in the last 1:47 (this stretch alone was as loud as any game I've attended).
I'm not certified to scuba dive. I want to do more than snorkel though. So I built a homemade hookah diving rig for two people. It has 70' hoses. Don't have any desire to go that deep but at 20' you can explore a good bit around the boat.
Be careful here, my friend. I’m a certified scuba diver and was initially trained at UT. You may want to get some professional advice before you do this. Even at 20 feet going up to quickly may cause problems, the deeper you go the physics multiply. As you ascend the gases you breath expand in your lungs and blood stream, causing problems, unless you rise slowly. Also staying down too long, depending on your depth, may require a decompression stop.
I have never heard of something like this and I’m fascinated by the thought of it. Be careful, hope it goes well. Looking forward to the recount once your back.
I made it last year and tested on Norris Lake. It works great. I did a lot of research. You can make one for about $500 for two people. Even less for one person setups.
Why would you need to buy a sim card for? My cell phone worked perfectly fine in Nassau when I went back in 2007. Bahamas has cell phone coverage just like here. It's not a 3rd world country or something.
Because between the wife and me Verizon will get $340 for the time here. I can get a 30day sim card for $50.
Be careful here, my friend. I’m a certified scuba diver and was initially trained at UT. You may want to get some professional advice before you do this. Even at 20 feet going up to quickly may cause problems, the deeper you go the physics multiply. As you ascend the gases you breath expand in your lungs and blood stream, causing problems, unless you rise slowly. Also staying down too long, depending on your depth, may require a decompression stop.
I'm with a certified diver. I've also used this think for a year. I appreciate your concern, for real and I respect what can happen. My ears can't take much depth. I probably wouldn't do it if it wasn't for being an experienced diver.
I am not as thoroughly schooled on the Vietnam War as I probably should be but I don't believe we ever once pressed towards the N Vietnamese capital or really made them uncomfortable in the north. We simply tried to control the south while the north funneled weapons and fighters in an almost never ending stream into th fray. It was a war of attrition and they were willing to send a lot more of their boys to the meat grinder than the US was.
A Rumor of War is an excellent read.
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It's really hard, especially when you know that more is going on but they just haven't found it yet and aren't trying real hard to find it either. Every time he's been hospitalized, I've known fairly quickly whether or not the doc was going to do anything to help. Only one time have I gotten that at UT but every time we've had to use a smaller hospital it's been utterly useless beyond getting him stabilized.

As an aside.... He was so happy to see me today! Last night, I went home (I guess about 1.30 AM when it was clear he wasn't going to get a room any time soon) and I briefly woke him to tell him where he was and that I was going home but I knew he probably wouldn't remember it. Well, when he saw me today he was like a little kid. His eyes got huge and he said 'You found me!' As I mentioned earlier, he's still a bit confused and was worried that I wouldn't be able to find him where he was because he had no recollection of what had happened or how he got there. He was scared that something bad happened and that he might not see me again. He got in trouble with the CNA's because he's a fall risk and so has a bed alarm on but kept getting up because he wanted to hug me. He even said, "did you see how big my eyes got when I saw it was you?! I'm so happy to see you." It was great. 🤣
Uplifting you both in Prayer. Really hope you get some positive answers soon.
Yoiks. Isn’t the state of missouri paying players to stay in-state now too? You know you’re in bad shape when you’re the only school of note in your state and you can’t garner NIL support, and the state has to step in to help you recruit. I don’t imagine Drinkwitz will make it out of this season with his job.

I hope he does. He is an absolute delight.
I'm not certified to scuba dive. I want to do more than snorkel though. So I built a homemade hookah diving rig for two people. It has 70' hoses. Don't have any desire to go that deep but at 20' you can explore a good bit around the boat.
Agree that you are not certified. Also you are certainly certifiable.
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