Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I was on campus when Currie was AD and I liked him. He was very personable, would run on campus in the mornings, super nice guy. He genuinely think he loved Knoxville and I think long-term he could've been a good AD. Not better than Danny White, but one of the better ADs.

He just absolutely flubbed the Shiano then Mike Leach football hiring. He should've listened to more input on fanbase acceptance of Schiano before making the offer. I think if he'd gone after Leach right away he wouldn't have been fired. Not everyone would have loved it, but I think it would've been fun.

I think the Barnes situation that Fulmer had to deal with wouldn't have happened that way. I think Currie would've had an easier time retaining Barnes and wouldn't have had to be commanded by Boyd to cut the check.

If and buts - all hindsight. I have no ill-will towards Currie because I think he's a genuinely good dude who just messed up the one thing.
THE one thing. But agreed, not worth hating like Butch or Pruitt.
My heart breaks and aches for both of you. I work in healthcare and I’ve seen my share of caring hospice and CNA workers and those that don’t display any empathy for family members. On a personal note, I’d like to punch that CNA, and I’m a 59 year old female. People like her don’t need to be in healthcare. Doesn’t matter if she’s having a bad day or just a general as*hole. You always put yourself in the patient or family member’s place. 🙏.

Oh she was all kinds of judgmental even before that. When I came in she was scolding him (and me) that he couldn't go home because his hospice dropped him because we kept coming to the hospital. And while she's not entirely wrong about hospices, she's not entirely right either. You can go to the hospital with many hospices for problems unrelated to what your hospice has admitted you for.

But it was the way she phrased it... it was like she was lecturing the guy he shows up in the ER every Friday looking for drugs but even when you have those patients you ought not assume they're lying all the time or at least treat them with the compassion that comes from knowing that something is seriously wrong in their lives that they are at the point where they're there. I've met enough people with problems to know that even those who are addicts like that often don't want to be in the position they're in - it's just they feel there's no other way for them to deal with their addiction.

At any rate, thank you for your kind words and for what you do. We need more people like you in health care. Patients and families are so helpless and vulnerable when we're in the system and a little bit of understanding and sharing of knowledge makes all the difference. Patients even have better outcomes when they're around people who present a positive disposition. So yeah, even a custodian or food service worker who makes you smile is actually improving your chances because humans respond well to other humans who are kind.
I was on campus when Currie was AD and I liked him. He was very personable, would run on campus in the mornings, super nice guy. He genuinely think he loved Knoxville and I think long-term he could've been a good AD. Not better than Danny White, but one of the better ADs.

He just absolutely flubbed the Shiano then Mike Leach football hiring. He should've listened to more input on fanbase acceptance of Schiano before making the offer. I think if he'd gone after Leach right away he wouldn't have been fired. Not everyone would have loved it, but I think it would've been fun.

I think the Barnes situation that Fulmer had to deal with wouldn't have happened that way. I think Currie would've had an easier time retaining Barnes and wouldn't have had to be commanded by Boyd to cut the check.

If and buts - all hindsight. I have no ill-will towards Currie because I think he's a genuinely good dude who just messed up the one thing.

I have no personal ill will toward him because I personally don’t know him. Not fair. But even his hiring was out of the blue. I’m pretty sure VQ was reporting it was Blackburn or Fulmer, and then Currie gets hired. Wreaked of the Haslam’s.

But he messed up his one big task at a place like UT. I cannot believe he let the Gruden rumors run rampant (again). All he had to do was contact Gruden’s agent to put out a statement, but he used that as a smokescreen. As you say, sometimes AD’s have to put out feelers to gage their fan base, and he did not. He was just a puppet- doing what one of our big donors wanted. Hopefully, he learned from it. But it was an absolute disaster. May be a nice guy, but AD’s at this level have to be competent.
I have no personal ill will toward him because I personally don’t know him. Not fair. But even his hiring was out of the blue. I’m pretty sure VQ was reporting it was Blackburn or Fulmer, and then Currie gets hired. Wreaked of the Haslam’s.

But he messed up his one big task at a place like UT. I cannot believe he let the Gruden rumors run rampant (again). All he had to do was contact Gruden’s agent to put out a statement, but he used that as a smokescreen. As you say, sometimes AD’s have to put out feelers to gage their fan base, and he did not. He was just a puppet- doing what one of our big donors wanted. Hopefully, he learned from it. But it was an absolute disaster. May be a nice guy, but AD’s at this level have to be competent.

Schiano was Currie listening to the Haslam faction. Of that, I have zero doubt. What neither he nor the Haslam faction realized was that we'd watched them make bad hire after bad hire, (and they were also responsible firing w/Fulmer and replacing him with an immature child who told them it turns out that he'd leave us for USC - they weren't blindsided at all and still screwed that up) fan opinion be damned for so long that everyone had had enough. So when Schiano was presented AND the court documents unsealed just before (no one had vetted Schiano post those docs being unsealed and the Post article so no one was prepared to do damage control on them) it became an immediate disaster. A bad coach is one thing - a bad coach who the state's star witness says knew something about the pedophile abusing kids in Penn State's locker room is too much.

Currie responded to that by going out and trying to make what he thought would be a home run hire (at that point he obviously realized he couldn't listen to the Haslam faction bc they'd never have approved Leach and figured he'd listen to his own instincts). And tbh, it would've been a hit with most fans. His mistake there was not realizing that he wasn't the only one who wanted and needed to save face. The Schiano mess hit everyone at UT regardless of whether or not they liked or supported the hire. By cutting out everyone, he was also cutting them out of being able to redeem themselves/save face. The BoT and Plowman would have none of it (nor should they have).
He almost came home today but there's a snafu with his hospice. They told me to take him to the hospital and said we wouldn't lose service. Well guess what happened? By the time, the hospital found a new one it was too late for the paperwork to go through and so they're keeping him another night.

And FWIW, nothing was wrong. Everything was wrong but the local tells me nope - he's perfect, just his liver. What's worse is that if they'd found something - anything - that would likely have stopped us from getting dropped. It's bad medicine for someone who suffers from a lot of confusion to have his care team switched up like this but bureaucracy overcomes what's right once again. Truthfully, hospices are serving as palliative care because palliative care has been cut to the bone (there's only one in the general area that actually does anything - the rest just use the word in their name but are in reality home health instead). And palliative matters because they do what hospice does but you can go to the hospital (they just pay for less) but like I said there's only one and they don't take our insurance so the best option is out.

Ugh, I'm worn out and frustrated. He was dressed and ready to go and I had to tell him I couldn't take him home. And I also got side eye from the CNA who was upset he took off on his own to the bathroom. She was all 'who cares for him at home?' I said, "I do" and she's all "I see.... well, he could fall..." and I'm thinking "oh honey, I caught every bit of your "I see." I was too tired to pick the fight, especially knowing he had another night. But I wanted to tell her 'when he's in here it's not my job to take care of him. it's yours.'

And it's true, the few days he spends in the hospital are the only time he isn't 100 percent my responsibility. Forgive me for enjoying a break in having to do all the hard work but because I still look young (nary a gray hair) and people take me for 30 at most I get treated like an irresponsible child.
You're doing the good work, Prof. Chin up.

God is good. Your reward will be greater than any Earthly thing.
Oh she was all kinds of judgmental even before that. When I came in she was scolding him (and me) that he couldn't go home because his hospice dropped him because we kept coming to the hospital. And while she's not entirely wrong about hospices, she's not entirely right either. You can go to the hospital with many hospices for problems unrelated to what your hospice has admitted you for.

But it was the way she phrased it... it was like she was lecturing the guy he shows up in the ER every Friday looking for drugs but even when you have those patients you ought not assume they're lying all the time or at least treat them with the compassion that comes from knowing that something is seriously wrong in their lives that they are at the point where they're there. I've met enough people with problems to know that even those who are addicts like that often don't want to be in the position they're in - it's just they feel there's no other way for them to deal with their addiction.

At any rate, thank you for your kind words and for what you do. We need more people like you in health care. Patients and families are so helpless and vulnerable when we're in the system and a little bit of understanding and sharing of knowledge makes all the difference. Patients even have better outcomes when they're around people who present a positive disposition. So yeah, even a custodian or food service worker who makes you smile is actually improving your chances because humans respond well to other humans who are kind.
I’m over a food service department, family members rely on us to convey the changes in their diets. Which is a slow progression and, well, it is what it is. I’ve also filled in as a caregiver, not because I’ve had to, but they have my heart. That being said, I appreciate what you said and I meant what I posted. My heart is with you both and having someone there to fight with someone in your husbands condition is more than half the fight. Always feel free to reach out. I might be old, but believe it or not my ears are in perfect condition (and I’ve been married) lol.
I had barracuda following me after lobster harvest the last time I was here. Never aggressive but always in your rear view mirror. Spooky.
In bad visibility or if you have jewelry on they can mistake you for prey. They typically don’t strike people. I’m not sure if I would want their food source too close to my body though. Have fun the next time you’re down there and be safe.
Weird question of the day:

When you hold a cup with your right hand and shake it around to make what looks like a whirlpool in the cup. . . does the whirlpool you make go clockwise or counter-clockwise?
I don't remember because I'm usually cussing and cleaning up water from off the floor.
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Stolen bases are up bc the bases are 3 inches closer…. Teams are on pace to set the record for success rate.

MLB rule changes: 'Year of the Stolen Base' is already threatening to rewrite the record books

The stats that matter are OB% + slug % or OPS….. average is overrated….. in fact they don’t like ground ball hitters bc they turn into double plays far too often.
Yes, but hits increase OBP, slugging and OPS.

Edit: unless you're slugging over 1.000 then a single would lower slugging.
Greg Schiano in his return to college coaching is 12-22 too after the BS we had dealt with, Kiffin then Dooley then Butch they were willing to roll out Schiano. Just shows how out of touch some of the power players truly are.

The fact they felt it was a better idea to fire Currie for going off his leash and pin him down just to hire Fulmer so he could make arguably one of the worst hires in Pruitt is baffling. I personally was really excited for the Leach hire, but I think the only way Currie could have pulled it off would have been to make it the first name.
Bigger bases + pitch timer (so pitcher can’t just continue to hold to throw off base runner’s timing) + pitchers only allowed 2 disengagements per plate appearance. After the 2nd they HAVE to record the out if they try again or else it’s a balk.

All good points but there is still a risk of giving up an out for little reward if all you want are dingers.
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