Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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He almost came home today but there's a snafu with his hospice. They told me to take him to the hospital and said we wouldn't lose service. Well guess what happened? By the time, the hospital found a new one it was too late for the paperwork to go through and so they're keeping him another night.

And FWIW, nothing was wrong. Everything was wrong but the local tells me nope - he's perfect, just his liver. What's worse is that if they'd found something - anything - that would likely have stopped us from getting dropped. It's bad medicine for someone who suffers from a lot of confusion to have his care team switched up like this but bureaucracy overcomes what's right once again. Truthfully, hospices are serving as palliative care because palliative care has been cut to the bone (there's only one in the general area that actually does anything - the rest just use the word in their name but are in reality home health instead). And palliative matters because they do what hospice does but you can go to the hospital (they just pay for less) but like I said there's only one and they don't take our insurance so the best option is out.

Ugh, I'm worn out and frustrated. He was dressed and ready to go and I had to tell him I couldn't take him home. And I also got side eye from the CNA who was upset he took off on his own to the bathroom. She was all 'who cares for him at home?' I said, "I do" and she's all "I see.... well, he could fall..." and I'm thinking "oh honey, I caught every bit of your "I see." I was too tired to pick the fight, especially knowing he had another night. But I wanted to tell her 'when he's in here it's not my job to take care of him. it's yours.'

And it's true, the few days he spends in the hospital are the only time he isn't 100 percent my responsibility. Forgive me for enjoying a break in having to do all the hard work but because I still look young (nary a gray hair) and people take me for 30 at most I get treated like an irresponsible child.
Goodness, I hate you’re going through all of this! And it’s bringing back so much that happened with Daddy. He was having a heart attack so we called an ambulance. Hospice was angry we didn’t call them first so they dropped him! He was in ICU, and they pretty much demanded we stay with him! With Mama we could only go in every few hours. With him they told they would probably send him to Vanderbilt the next day. So at 1 am I decided to run home for about 4 hours sleep because I knew it would be me that would have to go with him. The nurse called my sister at 5 am to tell her one of us had to get back with him because he kept trying to get up. This after we had spent the day before trying to convince them of the same thing. But it was as if we were irresponsible like you said. Prayers for a better day tomorrow.
In bad visibility or if you have jewelry on they can mistake you for prey. They typically don’t strike people. I’m not sure if I would want their food source too close to my body though. Have fun the next time you’re down there and be safe.
Years ago a buddy and I were snorkeling and a pair of barracudas swam over to check us out. I covered my diving watch with my right hand in case they thought it looked like a fish. They looked at us curiously, then turned and swam back the way they had come. I think we had wandered into their territory.
Yes, but hits increase OBP, slugging and OPS.

Edit: unless you're slugging over 1.000 then a single would lower slugging.
Here is an example of extremes…. Tony Gwynn…. One of the best hitters of all time… he hit .370 with a slugging % of .511….. one year Gorman Thomas batted .244 and had a slugging % of .538. You can discount it all you want but all the evidence is there for what MLB is striving for and teaching. That’s why I was so excited about hiring Vitello…. Small ball was gone…. Driving the ball was king….Look at the ops of the players the last few years.
All good points but there is still a risk of giving up an out for little reward if all you want are dingers.
You are talking in absolutes…. There is no such thing in baseball…. Teams don’t want dingers…. They want XBH’s…. They love stolen bases if they feel the success rate is worth the risk…. Stolen bases, hit and runs, bunts had all for the most part started disappearing from the game…. Stolen bases have started making a come back which makes me smile bc it is my favorite part of the game.
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Greg Schiano in his return to college coaching is 12-22 too after the BS we had dealt with, Kiffin then Dooley then Butch they were willing to roll out Schiano. Just shows how out of touch some of the power players truly are.

The fact they felt it was a better idea to fire Currie for going off his leash and pin him down just to hire Fulmer so he could make arguably one of the worst hires in Pruitt is baffling. I personally was really excited for the Leach hire, but I think the only way Currie could have pulled it off would have been to make it the first name.
Be the time Leachs came out as a possible, it was dead in the water. I personally don’t know how I would’ve felt about the hire because I never got the chance. Crazy times indeed.
I’m over a food service department, family members rely on us to convey the changes in their diets. Which is a slow progression and, well, it is what it is. I’ve also filled in as a caregiver, not because I’ve had to, but they have my heart. That being said, I appreciate what you said and I meant what I posted. My heart is with you both and having someone there to fight with someone in your husbands condition is more than half the fight. Always feel free to reach out. I might be old, but believe it or not my ears are in perfect condition (and I’ve been married) lol.

Ha! I must've had my psychic ring on :). I appreciate it and what you do. When you're in the hospital for something serious every encounter matters, even just friendly smiles matter and dietary changes, especially when you help figure out something they can eat either as a substitute for what they love or something to try that's allowed help enormously. It's hard to stick to dietary plan if you dislike everything that's allowed. And for a ton of illnesses food can be make or break.

And yeah, being a caregiver is the hardest thing I've ever done. Hands down. It's emotionally and physically exhausting and at times I've had to become more parent than significant other but there's no mountain I wouldn't climb for one more day. As drained and irritable as I get at times, that's just the truth.
Greg Schiano in his return to college coaching is 12-22 too after the BS we had dealt with, Kiffin then Dooley then Butch they were willing to roll out Schiano. Just shows how out of touch some of the power players truly are.

The fact they felt it was a better idea to fire Currie for going off his leash and pin him down just to hire Fulmer so he could make arguably one of the worst hires in Pruitt is baffling. I personally was really excited for the Leach hire, but I think the only way Currie could have pulled it off would have been to make it the first name.
That jibes with my thinking. I was relieved when Leach was introduced as a candidate and despondent when that went dead in a calendar day but in retrospect, another reason I didn’t hate Bev Davenport. She really tried to do the right thing hiring Fulmer knowing that it would cost her job. We ended up winning with Plowman as an upgrade…but still appreciative.
Millennials are old now. Millennial and Boomer have become twin words. Boomer for anyone over 50 and Millennial for anyone under 50 but neither is very accurate.

But you might be on to something with differing generations testing one another.🤣

Millenial is a lazy generalization for “young people”. Millenials are in their 30s and 40s raising families. The young people that people gripe about is what we call the Gen-Zs.
Millenial is a lazy generalization for “young people”. Millenials are in their 30s and 40s raising families. The young people that people gripe about is what we call the Gen-Zs.
are you sure they're raising families and notnposting selfies on Insta of their latest trip to Timbuktu? No offense, I figure less and less linneals are having kids, it requires effort.IMG_1880.gif
Ha! I must've had my psychic ring on :). I appreciate it and what you do. When you're in the hospital for something serious every encounter matters, even just friendly smiles matter and dietary changes, especially when you help figure out something they can eat either as a substitute for what they love or something to try that's allowed help enormously. It's hard to stick to dietary plan if you dislike everything that's allowed. And for a ton of illnesses food can be make or break.

And yeah, being a caregiver is the hardest thing I've ever done. Hands down. It's emotionally and physically exhausting and at times I've had to become more parent than significant other but there's no mountain I wouldn't climb for one more day. As drained and irritable as I get at times, that's just the truth.
I’m in the boat of a having a father that has dementia (won’t go into those challenges). It’s exhausting to keep him feeling his world is normal and not correct him when he loses something and you find it in the oddest places. Like I said, my ears and eyes are here.
are you sure they're raising families and notnposting selfies on Insta of their latest trip to Timbuktu? No offense, I figure less and less linneals are having kids, it requires effort.
I consider myself a "geriatric millennial". I'm in my mid/late 30s with a family and all of my friends have young children and the only posts on Instagram are family pics, usually just the mom's. All I want is a roof over my head and UT ticket prices to drop.
are you sure they're raising families and notnposting selfies on Insta of their latest trip to Timbuktu? No offense, I figure less and less linneals are having kids, it requires effort.View attachment 553888

I think it’s the ridiculous Tiktok dances and challenges that makes my early 30’s self feel like a crotchety old man more than anything.
I remember waiting in line for over an hour at Camelot Music to buy Guns and Roses Use your Illusion 1and 2.
I was way more into the Chili Peppers than any of them...they're one of my all-time favorite bands, period

Badmotorfinger was an absolute great album, as well. Soundgarden was probably my favorite "grundge" band.

Man! I was 14 years old. Still remember where i was the first time I heard Alive and Smells Like Teen Spirit...always liked Alive better; Ten is a better album than Nevermind, imo.
I remember waiting in line for over an hour at Camelot Music to buy Guns and Roses Use your Illusion 1and 2.

Going to the music store looking thru the vinyl was a treat as a kid in 70's and 80's.
I got 12 albums for $1 thru those mail order places. ! never will forget getting the package.
I was way more into the Chili Peppers than any of them...they're one of my all-time favorite bands, period

Badmotorfinger was an absolute great album, as well. Soundgarden was probably my favorite "grundge" band.

Man! I was 14 years old. Still remember where i was the first time I heard Alive and Smells Like Teen Spirit...always liked Alive better; Ten is a better album than Nevermind, imo.
The cocks will be castrated

The Crimson tide will be reduced to a Pink Stream

the Dawgs put to sleep

as the Heup train goes vroom across all who oppose the men clad in BIG ORANGE

it takes a lot to motivate me to see a game live anymore. got lots of reasons to keep me home.

I'm planning for the SC game in Sept 🎃💪
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