Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I asked a question earlier and missed if anyone gave an answer.

If you have a pitcher go for about 7 innings and throws an average amount of pitches for that time, what is the general thought on how long he should rest?

Skenes for example. How long should he be rested for after playing against us?
Normal rest in MLB is four days minimum and a lot of times it stretches out to 5 or 6. In the college game, it's pretty much 6 days rest for starters.
I was stuck in Georgia for three years and the average Georgia barker was worse than any Bama fan I’ve ever come across. Real Bama fans (not the bandwagons) remember the old days when the vols and whooped them almost yearly between stallings and Saban. Georgia fans act like they are the Yankees, Crimson Tide, Kansas basketball combined greatest program to ever exist. Just complete madness.
Kind of the same here...lived in Alabama for two years in the late 90s; back whenever they had no room to say a single word, yet, they still talked the equivalent of what would be considered horsesh!t in civilized society. I'll never forget, in 1997, I had one of them tell me that Bama was closer to winning a National Championship than UT. That's what separates them...yes, UGA are insufferable, to the point of wanting to puke; Bama fans, while being insufferable, as well, are outright retarded on top of that, mixed with UGA arrogance.

But, yes...UGA is to the point of wanting to beat the hell out of them, I mean...literally. They suck the suck. Then there's the actual barking.
Kind of the same here...lived in Alabama for two years in the late 90s; back whenever they had no room to say a single word, yet, they still talked the equivalent of what would be considered horsesh!t in civilized society. I'll never forget, in 1997, I had one of them tell me that Bama was closer to winning a National Championship than UT. That's what separates them...yes, UGA are insufferable, to the point of wanting to puke; Bama fans, while being insufferable, as well, are outright retarded on top of that, mixed with UGA arrogance.

But, yes...UGA is to the point of wanting to beat the hell out of them, I mean...literally. They suck the suck. Then there's the actual barking.
Yeah I’ve never experienced the gumps living in Alabama, only met the Bama fans who are civilized enough to have left that state.
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What do you think Skenes would say about that? Lets say LSU is up 4-3 in the 7th and UT has a man on 1st and 2nd.

I'm not saying start him. I'm saying use him when/if you need him to save an inning or get 2 out of him.
He would say he could go and pitch. It is not his decision. It his manager's job to protect his arm.
Doe anyone here like to play Fantasy Football if so let's put a game together on this site.If someone can do that I will supply the prize at year end a gift card for xxx amount to the winners choice

we have a college fantasy league on here that we will do again this year if you want to supply a prize, welcome!

I hope Joe takes all of the doubt from all the publications and all the national media personally. I hope we're undefeated with Gameday back on campus and someone has the balls to make the "all the talent in the world, but accuracy issues" remark to his face so he can put them in their place.

Can't wait to watch Joe blow their minds.
we have a college fantasy league on here that we will do again this year if you want to supply a prize, welcome!
I know stupid question is it just like NFL Fantasy Football and you draft your team or you just pick a team and go with it,just seeing if there is anything different?
Yeah I’ve never experienced the gumps living in Alabama, only met the Bama fans who are civilized enough to have left that state.
Yeah, that's why I say, as bad and obnoxious UGA can be, multiply it by a hundred, that's a true Gump, mixed with actual retardation.
I know stupid question is it just like NFL Fantasy Football and you draft your team or you just pick a team and go with it,just seeing if there is anything different?

Yes exactly the same as NFL. We have a draft and you play a different team every week. We had a 16 team league last year. Ill send out an invite for the league once we get closer so be looking out for it.
Exactly. Be careful though, the "ruin his career police are out tonight" because he pitches a couple innings. Funny, though, if Skenes played for UT they'd be like, "How do you not put him in when needed."
There is a reason that pitchers wait 4-6 days between outings if they are starters.
Yeah, that's why I say, as bad and obnoxious UGA can be, multiply it by a hundred, that's a true Gump, mixed with actual retardation.
that's a bit harsh. folks with special needs truly are, on the whole, sweet and kind natured. Usually very appreciative, and fun to spend time with.

conversely, UGA fans...Florida fans...LSU fans...
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