Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I think the baseball team will see a lot of turnover and it will be a good thing.

Loved this team but the defensive infield was not as solid as it needed to be.

I know we have some really solid recruiting classes coming in so hopefully we hit on a few and bring in a couple of great portal guys.

I think part of that was lack of experience (Moore & Burke) and then just a lack of chemistry playing together. But Zane & Maui moving on will force some turnover there either way.

I don’t think the portal is as useful in baseball, cause you really want to develop guys and create chemistry. Less scholarships too, we had to bring in guys this year because of how many players we lost
Appreciate that this BaseVols team had me yelling for the Vols in June. Looking forward to football season (and basketball season and baseball season).

Shifting gears slightly because it came up in the thread earlier today. I’ve heard “sidewalk alum” a few times in here and in random conversations, and I think that’s what folks would consider me.

I’m a sidewalk alum. I didn’t go to UT, but I am passionate about UT sports.

To be honest, I don’t really care about the school. Couldn’t give a sh!t about who got a degree from there.

If my kids go to UT, great, I’ll care about the school. But right now, I care about the sports.

I grew up in rural TN, with no pro sports teams to cheer for. My first fandom was the Vols. I will always be a Vol.

If I’m misunderstanding the “sidewalk alum” definition, help me out.
I don't think anyone in any particular region should have to apologize for being a fan of the team that represents you and where you're from.

Pro teams' fans aren't party of the organization they love. They love it because they're mom or dad loved it and they have shared experiences that ingratiate that team or teams in to part of who they are.

That's how I became a Tennessee fan. I was born in to it. My parents went there, my aunt and uncle went there and ai grew up in west Tennessee/north Mississippi watching and going to games all my life.

When it came time to go to college, I figured going to Tennessee would be a great way to go to football games.

I was right, and I got an education to boot, and piece of paper to put on my wall. But I went to Tennessee because I was fan. I'm sure I'm not alone.

Anyway... The reason college football, the sec in particular, has such deep roots is because of all that, not because you go to class there.

That said, having also gone to Tennessee, it is a very special place to me, and I'm very proud of it and very grateful to have it to share with my kids now.
I went to Tennessee, but I think fans are fans, wherever or however it got started. If you support my team, we're good.

I would have loved to have gone to UT. When I got out of the Army, I had to enter an ROTC program as part of the terms of my separation, and for a number of reasons it was easier to fulfill my obligation at ETSU than UT. All my family were from Knoxville and my grandfather was a big UT fan since my earliest memory. My wife's father and brother were also both alums and they were very involved. We have a picture of my wife with Bill Battle when she was 7 or 8. For me it simply was and was always gonna be, regardless of where I got my degree. I've contemplated going to graduate school at UT, just because, but it probably won't ever happen. But I'll keep buying season tickets and going to games as long as I can afford it and am physically able. We enjoy it too much to stop.

But using the "I went there" as a requirement for fanhood would eliminate all pro sports...and that isn't happening.
I think part of that was lack of experience (Moore & Burke) and then just a lack of chemistry playing together. But Zane & Maui moving on will force some turnover there either way.

I don’t think the portal is as useful in baseball, cause you really want to develop guys and create chemistry. Less scholarships too, we had to bring in guys this year because of how many players we lost
I just want a stud portal catcher
I can’t say I follow it closely, but it is a bit different. They kind of over-recruit and bring in guys in the fall. Then, they set the roster by the spring. Also, you will have guys committed, get drafted, and then go pro. So, it’s a balancing act.

Summer of the Vols!!!

I went to Tennessee, but I think fans are fans, wherever or however it got started. If you support my team, we're good.
Yeah, UT would lose a massive portion of the fanbase if every fan had to attend UT. Such a dumb statement. . . every Braves fan has to be from Georgia or they can't be a real fan. Every Ford fan has to build Fords to be a real Ford fan. Every George Strait fan had to know him before he got famous to be a real George Strait fan. Every copperhead fan had to actually see a copperhead or they're not real copperhead fans. . .
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