Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Hope this isn't one of those "what the hell was I thinking?" questions he'll be asking himself in 20yrs.
I understand it if Burns is not happy about losing the starting role. But leaving like like it will burn a lot of bridges, no pun intended. Hate to see a Tennessee kid that has obviously meant a lot to fans and this program go out like this. Especially if it's to another sec school. I hate that legacy doesn't mean anything anymore. That guy was heroic in some big spots this year, abs last, and we loved him for it. Seems such a waste. Wish him well either way, but not gonna lie it'll suck to see him dressed in another uni if it comes to that.
I with you both, and i hate losing him; but, at the end of the day, I still feel the way I always do, especially with instaters...

I mean, if he leaves, I kind of do hope it's something he ultimately regrets. I don't want it to ruin his life, but yeah, I want him to regret it.
If he leaves. . . that's why I said "I hope it's not". . . as in, hope he stays. . . if he leaves it will be a "what the hell was I thinking?" question down the road.
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USA team is playing like ass. Jamaica is undisciplined and the US is letting them run all over the field. Elite save on a pk has this game at a one goal deficit though. That's a positive
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I mean, if he leaves, I kind of do hope it's something he ultimately regrets. I don't want it to ruin his life, but yeah, I want him to regret it.
@Freak This gif keeps freezing. I guess we still have a limit but this is an important gif. 😃 It plays on my phone before I upload here. @drylo is there any way to compress the size of the file?
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