Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Morristown is gonna be happy as hell with that.

In all seriousness though, I love this guys announcing style (soccer style tbh) and wish we'd go back to the days when announcers had passion. IDK why we changed from that to newscaster flat. The home announcer doesn't need to be neutral. They should have passion when making calls and give the other team their due but they don't need to present games as though it were news story or political debate.
Weller Full Proof and a bunch of Eagle Rare. Not sure if you saw it but I got another bottle of Stagg as well 2-3 weeks back.

I can’t remember if there are different proofs for Stagg, but I got my hands on a 131 proof of Stagg. Obviously very hot, but had a unique taste to it compared to other bourbons.
I can’t remember if there are different proofs for Stagg, but I got my hands on a 131 proof of Stagg. Obviously very hot, but had a unique taste to it compared to other bourbons.

Each release is slightly different but they're all around 130 proof. They're definitely hot but I don't think drink 130 proof either.
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Reactions: knoxvol52 a degree, but there is no Wright level talent on this years OL to stonewall the SECs best pass rushers....and that will be a problem when we play teams with elite pass rushers.
WRIGHT wasn’t a Wright level talent last year…til he was.
LOL, yeah.

I know your being sarcastic and damn, I couldn't do that as 6'3" 265 pound kid when I was getting interest from colleges in high school. A kid with that build squatting like that is impressive.
I worked out every day, sometimes twice a day from freshman til senior year and could only get 415 or 425 once at the end. . . then again, I only weighed 170, but still. . .

Mis Voluntarios......
Gonna have to start using that when I break out our patented, passive aggressive, gentle correction of my brethren on here when they make the slightest, teeny tiny mistake

Seriously though I can see

Mis Voluntarios


Perfect addition to VN lexicon preceding any self righteous comment

Or imagine Newt adding it before the daily telling us how to think
Its gonna be awesome a degree, but there is no Wright level talent on this years OL to stonewall the SECs best pass rushers....and that will be a problem when we play teams with elite pass rushers.
Idk McGill, I think one of those guys (or more) steps up. You know a lot of success comes from learning how to do it. The fact those guys saw what it takes with Wright from how he prepared/played, I think they follow that blueprint and have more success than some are expecting.

The whole team last year, going 11-2, showing that it's possible to attain greatness, I think that breeds a lot of future success from the younger guys. I think that's a big part of the reason why the next 4-5 years or longer are gonna be better than we've seen in a long time, if ever. I think we see a run similar to Clemson's in the 10's, if not better.
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