Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Academics matter more at UT than they used to-- and certainly more than they do at some other programs. UT will pass on recruits with grade issues, especially those who aren't willing to commit to a plan to bring their grades in line.
School I'm at has a promising upcoming sophomoreand upcoming freshman. I can't say anything about the freshman but the sophomore decided to be lazy his freshman year. Of course they have a family of really athletic individuals come through those hallways and barely pass any classes. JUCO barely looked at them but the community loved those athletes and that's all the students see right now. Those same idiots that were in the athletes ears are in the current students' ears
A lot of women are going with Nana now. I know that's always been common in certain regions but it's getting popular here.

As for irritating them - granny or grandma or mamaw, memaw etc. will work. The key is intonation and word choice. Saying something like "sure granny" in the right tone is sure to get under their skin. It would get under the skin of even those happy to be called granny etc.
I like to call her granny when I'm talking to someone else, but she is eavesdropping. 😂 that seems to work pretty well.
IDK the term granny comes with a lot of expectations/baggage. If you're a younger woman (and look I went through puberty at 10 years old meaning technically I could've made my mom a granny super-young and while that's not common there's even girls who go through it as young as 8) I can see how you wouldn't want that title. It's a title that implies you're awesome (bc almost all grannies are) but old. But say a girl has a child at 10 years old and their kid has one at 10, they'd be a grandmother at 20 years of age and that just doesn't seem to fit, you know?

Those are extreme examples but if a woman is in her late 20s to even 40s and is made a grandmother, the term granny does feel a bit awkward. They are still grandmas but they aren't all that the word implies so I can see why they wouldn't want to be called that.
She's 36
My wife goes by Gigi to our grandson and daughter’s fiancé’s kids. HATES Grandma, Granny or Mawmaw.
I think a grandmother who wants not to be called "grandmother" or a traditional grandmother abbreviation usually makes such a name for herself, and everyone takes it as settled. Why shouldn't they?
I think a grandmother who wants not to be called "grandmother" or a traditional grandmother abbreviation usually makes such a name for herself, and everyone takes it as settled. Why shouldn't they?

Call people what they want to be called is a rule I try to live by. Even if I think a name or title is ridiculous, silly or what have you, stuff like that is important to people, names and titles are a part of our identity, and we should respect one another enough to roll with it even if we don't care for it. (Of course, this goes out the window when playfully tormenting a loved one).
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