Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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My grandmother was "Granny" at 38 years old; and has been since, to all others that came after me.

Now 83, still Granny. And, if you ask her, she'd tell you, not once did it ever feel "awkward".

Different times, though. Some people don't even like to be called "human" anymore, so...
So by developing good and great players to elite offensive performance, he doesn't know how to develop elite players to an even more elite performance. Yeah, that makes a lot of damned sense.

Well they also eat their own poop, so the bar is already set pretty low.
Call people what they want to be called is a rule I try to live by. Even if I think a name or title is ridiculous, silly or what have you, stuff like that is important to people, names and titles are a part of our identity, and we should respect one another enough to roll with it even if we don't care for it. (Of course, this goes out the window when playfully tormenting a loved one).
I worked as a reporter once and this is exactly the behavior I followed to corruption. Everyone in town was terrified to speak but eventually we blew open an enormous embezzlement case. UGA and Kirby just painted a giant target on their backs. They could've simply discredited the article and managed it. That they didn't is hubris of the highest order. Unfortunately, it will probably be a while before it catches up but it eventually will catch up.

Your job should you choose to accept is to bring the uga evil into the light of day!

(Mission Impossible theme playing quietly in the background dun dun da da dun dun da da ta da da ta da da da dum)

So right now in Phoenix the pavement is about 180 degrees. Hospitals are treating people for 3rd degree burns just from tripping and falling on the pavement. I think we're learning a hard lesson about building cities in the desert.

ETA: (The same thing is happening in Vegas as well)
My wife goes by Gigi and they decided to call me Paw Z. You find out you most likely go by whatever THEY come up with.
Yeah. I wanted to be called Papa and he made the executive decision to coin me PawPaw! That was my grandfather and I can’t live up to it. But it’s easier to enunciate with attitude, I guess. 😒
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