Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I so vividly remember Vince Young against USC in the Rose Bowl. Best QB running I can remember. And then came the Titans...
Watch Vince in the Rose Bowl the year prior, against Michigan...he was as good, if not better than he was against USC. The Rose Bowl should be renamed after him.
They are so right.

I mean we’ve already went all the way through Y2 of Heupel, after he came in to a monster roster and situation, and haven’t achieved a daggum thing. No major wins. No ranked teams. Nowhere to be seen in the CFB Playoff rankings. Only hoping and dreaming of facing Clemson in a bowl game one day…yeah right.

I mean, how can we seriously think we’ll attain any kind of trophies in the next few years, when Heupel is already such a bust?!
Tied Fulmer's second best season ever in year two, walking into a garbage fire instead of peak Majors set-up. Clearly a second-best kind of guy. 🙄
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My life, my wife, my kids. Monsters.
I honestly prefer #3 to #2.
Vick was the best running qb of all time. Tap all dem brakes.
And honestly JM isn’t an elite running QB. He’s good in open vertical space, but nowhere near the scrambler of the top guys. And he’s not a force like Cam or Tebow. Being honest.

He’s more a freak for his big arm. That’s where his talent shines. That’s where he’ll get paid. But yes, if he can get open space, he can be a runaway train for sure.
So many stupid close games that shouldn’t have been during his tenure. Shouldn’t worry about that with Heupel as much. We blow out a lot of opponents
Exactly! There will be no Georgia States. When you are always aggressive its hard to play down to your opponents.

Sticking with Randy Sanders is something that would never happen in modern football.
Another fifty/fifty cruit goes somewhere else. Sorry, cant help it.

Initiate Jarmee Prewitt pay em anyway?
You and Wheez get a room, call up ole Bass, and break out the cheese.

But fr, why even care? 😅 Look at what we just did with a piecemeal wafflestomped roster…now look at our blue chip ratio…what do you think is about to happen the next few years??
I think it's a classic just the way you intended it.

It reminded me immediately of the classic account of the prudent wife who is running circles around the vain spouse in Xenophon's Oeconomicus. And that is high praise. She understood the role of small things in bonding by nature; the spouse understood only his "position of authority" by convention. And also indicates your comic intention. Well done. No way I won't steal your non-joke joke.

Yeah, convention is out the window in my life. I was a single dad for 9 years which humbled me and and provided nothing but the utmost appreciation for the traditional role of females in our society.

In fact, I don’t neglect to remind my wife of that when she’s washing the dishes after she cooks dinner.
Yeah, convention is out the window in my life. I was a single dad for 9 years which humbled me and and provided nothing but the utmost appreciation for the traditional role of females in our society.

In fact, I don’t neglect to remind my wife of that when she’s washing the dishes after she cooks dinner.
Lucky for us, nature trumps convention. A good wife will show through, just like a good husband will.

I food shop, cook, and clean the kitchen here. She used to clean after I cooked (her idea) but I didn't like how that felt to me. Wifey, naturally, will not be outdone and finds plenty of ways to do more at home than I do. The "winners" among wives will out-compete you, no matter how far you step up your game! Make that difficult for them! 😂 My wife is better than anyone I could have imagined. And she is more a prize every year. And better for who she is than what she does.
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Walk-off (WO) | Glossary |

The losing team “walks off” the field. Not those batting/winning.

Thanks for sharing, I also didn’t know the origin. I was taught it as both teams “walk off” the field without the final out(s) being recorded. There are other ways to have a walk-off besides a HR. Walks, HBP, steal home.
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If you can play another sport, you should. I love watching football, I really do. But baseball and basketball offer players more. You can make more money, play longer, and not beat up your body so bad. TBH, Joe Milton should be mad as hell at the coach who forbade him to ever touch a baseball again because he would likely be a superstar at it.
Vick was actually drafted by the mlb!
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I agree that if Milton progresses, the sky is the limit based on potential. He’s just nowhere near the type of runner Vick was. I mean, Josh Allen has a cannon and is a pretty good runner, are we comparing him to Vick also? That’s meant for the OP.
Just the arm quotient imo…but I’ll let the OP answer your question.
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