Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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VQ has some absolutely brain dead members. Imagine being this dumb.

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the facts are that they are good, possibly even great recruiters...who's program is on a five year probation for crap they hd no hand in.

They are building a culture at TN. They are getting the one's they're supposed too. Its the ones that we werent that is driving people nuts.

Id change the narrative to 'can close, some.'
Born and raised in Tennessee sir haven't seen a rule book that states to be a Vol fan you can't be a fan of Professional teams outside of Tennessee but I will double check the rulebook...
I was told you have to cheer for the college team in the same city as your MLB team. Thems the rules.
I really could beat the **** outta Farrell and still get a good night's sleep. You can tell he's never had his ass beat. You can always tell. Can't stand that clown
If I had to live in STL... I'd be looking to leave. I live in rural Missouri. Rural life isn't for everyone but we prefer it. Great neighbors. Great friends. Great culture. Open spaces. Great hunting and fishing. Great church.

There are inconveniences but I'll take the trade any day.
Where in rural Missouri? I was born in Sikeston, Mo..
Well, I had to take my like back after reading the last two sentences. Maybe you’re new, but I do ask others for clarification and give excessive amounts of compliments because I am Sweet as Soda.
Why? Did I offend you? Truly, I meant no offense at all. I enjoy posting and reading comments here :) Gauranteed though if you look for offense you will always find it. Hope you have a great day SweetSoda :)
Ha, when my son played baseball, I ran with the team to stay in shape. I loved the wind sprints and base running drills.

It would crack me up when another Dad would tell me that he was too old to do what I was doing. The looks on their faces when my son would tell them my age was priceless. On average, I was at least 10 years older than the other Dads.

That means you aged well and they took you for much younger lol. I look at a lot people my own age and wonder who they are because I certainly don't look like them. Not anything I did. My grandmother and mother gave me great genes when it comes to aging. HS friends have accused me of freezing myself in a cryopod and/or time travel. 🤣
Not sure why, but I'm hurting more than usual today. I don't like it.
It was brutal for me yesterday...I've had a few days like that in the in two weeks. If I felt like that 24/7,then I would gladly welcome death...thank God I do have good days or stretches of days where it is at least bearable.

The pain is better far..but I feel completely exhausted from getting very little rest all week.
Right down the road on Sand Mountain from where we lived. My kids school played them sometimes. I am pretty sure Jermys dad was the Head Coach at Rainsville/Plainview before he went up the road a bit to Albertville. I might be misremebering though...I am old.
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