Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Heup is on a trajectory for CFB legend status. We just need to be patient, support, and enjoy the ride.

I also think our D is going to be getting better and better. I like the scheme DC Bush runs a lot. As the player quality improves, so will the D.

When you no longer have to win by scoring 50 points a game, it takes the pressure off the O to be perfect. Everybody saw that in the Clemson game. The higher rated roster got their tails whipped.
It was his dream car and he knew a carpet mill owner that had gotten into a lot of legal trouble over moving cocaine around the country in rolls of carpet..the guy needed a lot of cash quick...and voila.

My old partner was the luckiest sob I've ever known when it comes to stuff like that....he could trip over a root while out deer hunting and land on a rare coin.

OMG. That reminds me of a giant shipment of weed that got accidentally found out here. They were moving it around inside of furniture and using the manufacturers as cover - shipping to and from the plants. Only problem with that setup was that they obviously couldn't control who was at those workplaces or what they were doing all of the time. Stuff could arrive early or unscheduled or slip through and on into the workplace before it was intercepted by those doing the smuggling. I'm not sure if anyone ever got in trouble for it or if the weed just got found.

And yeah, some people are just super duper lucky that way. It makes you wonder what deal they made with who and whether or not you can get in on it. 🤣
It's makes me as uncomfortable as it appears to be.

The absolute worst is this guy at church who sits in front of me. He wore an N95 mask until just recently and every time he put that thing on he'd fold/roll/twist his ears up in the elastic band. His ears must be made of silicone because apparently it didn't bother him in the slightest, but I swear my ears hurt just seeing it.
I saw a guy still wearing a mask a month ago. It was so dirty, looked like he never took it off. . . not a "work" dirty, like a carpenter or painter, but a dingy, stale, soured looking dirty, 😝
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I saw a guy still wearing a mask a month ago. It was so dirty, looked like he never took it off. . . not a "work" dirty, like a carpenter or painter, but a dingy, stale, soured looking dirty, 😝
I like when people who have larger heads wear them, and they lay flat on their nose and mouth.

Or they wear them as chin diapers.
If I had a nickle for every time I could have gotten sweet cars, in addition to the nickles, by coming up with cash for friends of mine that got caught moving coke around the country in rolls of carpet ... wasn't really a friend of his, just an acquaintance.

Dalton is a huge hub for drugs that come in from Mexico, or at least it was when I was involved....somehow the cartels got the coke, heroin, meth or pills to Dalton and then they got shipped all over the country from there.

I assume it still is to a smaller degree....thousands of trucks roll out of Dalton every day going to every part of the country.
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