Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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One more random thing.................for obvious reasons


I'm officially old.............:confused:
VT intro is pitiful. Some song they heard on the radio that bears no relation to their team. Very (small "h") hokey indeed.

Worse is USCjr. No one in SCAR has any idea of what Zarathustra is even about, much less what it means. Don't tell them that Zarathustra fails 😂. Any Div III school could borrow some concert speakers and strobe lights and put on the exact same show without a single change -- and at the same decible level -- because nothing is particular to their school or state and the piped in music is so loud that you can't even hear the crowd. Thus, the D III could reproduce USCjr's show in an empty 6000 seat stadium! 😂 Then what? They switch over to the same ole old white dude screaming elementary-school lyrics that VT plays. No sense of place. Amounts to a national confession of lack of place and of taste.

The Sooner-troll site's sad troll is that everyone knows the Vols' entrance is #1. As someone mentioned, at least some teams like CO and FSU do something non-generic and particular. You don't have to check your phone to find out what state you are in.
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A lot of people don't realize how fortunate we are to actually have traditions. Like the Pride of the Southland, the "T" formed on the field, Rocky Top, Down the Field, the huge classic stadium on the river, nationally-recognized classic uniforms, etc., etc. 🍊

We could be stuck picking songs off the radio. Or a movie. 😂
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Imagine Seldon in Heup's offense. . .

Imagine Thornton. . . Squirrel. . . Bru, Sampson, Nico 👀 our offense is gonna be absolutely raunchy for the foreseeable future.

Really though, I would've liked to seen Pig Howard in this kind of O.
I would love to have seen Donte Stallworth in it, or a focused LaMarcus Coker.
Now THAT is a classic first day of fall camp post

Point off only for not mentioning the training table and S&C coach

But it has been a year and you are out of practice
Thought I'd keep it simple and to the point. . . good lord, my autocorrect is getting worse by the second. . .
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