Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Not a huge fan of Mullen, never have been but he’s a solid football coach. Not a relentless recruiter whatsoever and that was his downfall at Florida. But looking at potential job openings I don’t think anywhere fits the guy better than West Virginia. He’d have them 8+ wins again and potentially in a major bowl here and there. The area fits his personality and the job isn’t an elite level position but a step above Miss State. Plus I think he’s from Pennsylvania anyway so it all matches up
I have a question, Sir?

Since open mouthed wife kissing of players is allowed. How will that fit into the West Virginie culture?
It's gonna make a boat load of money from these deep pockets that carry the games. The rest is just noise that you work with and around. One has to wonder, though, when you reach a breaking point with the money. You can only ask customers to spend so much money on these streaming services. When folks are struggling to pay for gas and food, entertainment will be one of the least important things you spend money on.

I wasn’t so much concerned about the money when I asked the question.

And yeah, you can always kill the golden goose. It would take a lot for something as beloved in this country as college football, but it could happen.
It's gonna make a boat load of money from these deep pockets that carry the games. The rest is just noise that you work with and around. One has to wonder, though, when you reach a breaking point with the money. You can only ask customers to spend so much money on these streaming services. When folks are struggling to pay for gas and food, entertainment will be one of the least important things you spend money on.
ESPN is already laying people off. Ruminations are that New/old Disney brass is making big cutbacks to their hiring, amount of movies released, and to new attractions at theme parks.

Disney over extended itself in other countries it seems.

Point is, if ESPN and Disney are struggling to pay the bills due. Imagine when the chicken comes home to roost next time? I wont pay for it.

Not when there are free streaming services.
I normally agree 100% but in this case I feel all of the blame goes on the adults in the room…. Butch created such a toxic environment that it ruined the team from the inside out…. It’s so nice to have this administration and staff that we have now….. The players that just graduated are extremely lucky to have played for UT when they did.
Somebody is going to have to explain to me how a 20+ team conference is going to work for football and baseball.
5 - 4 team pods. Play your pod and 2 others every year for an 11 game conference schedule. Play 1 cupcake out of conference a year. That means everyone has to play every team at least once every other year. That allows for equality in scheduling. Over 20, and I have no idea, unless the entire schedule is conference games.
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