Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Usce's is good, but you lose a lot of points with piped-in music. It's fabricated, and most of the noise is from the sound system.
I would really like to see a limit place on sound systems with the visiting team permitted to test. Good work study jobs for our physics and engineering students, setting up and reading our equipment. 😂
I’ve said it before: Cain seems like a nice guy but he brings absolutely nothing to the conversation. I wonder if the other guys like him because he’s so non-threatening to their own careers?
Balanced out by Matt Ray…who’s as talented ( or moreso) an information gatherer as anybody they’ve employed imo.

A few weeks ago I looked at Joe’s deep ball performance compared to some other SEC QBs from last year and Joe is actually scary good. I discounted the VU game at the time because of the weather but even with it included Joe did great. I compared his VU game to CJ Stroud's game against Northwestern last year (also a weather game) and Joe's numbers were far better. I wasn't surprised by Joe's Orange Bowl performance, reason being, Heupel and Halzle.

I know some people, especially outside the program, are thinking we probably have at least a slight drop off in offensive scoring this year. I think it may be more likely that we set new records. jmo.

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Best quote from Coach Heup:
“It was awesome yesterday, mentioned something about some of you guys (in the media) playing linebacker the first year here. You go ones, you go twos, go the next guy’s up, threes, and there’s real players at all levels right there that we certainly didn’t have early in my tenure here.”

Legit players at all three levels of depth - that, my friends, is how you assert yourself as one of the big dogs in college football. We have lacked that for so long, glad to see it coming to fruition!
Campbell must be pretty darn good because Mincey was impressive last year. I expected Mincey 1a/Crawford 1b at LT and Campbell at RT.

Heck, maybe Crawford just really improved this offseason and took that RT position
It was the first day of practice, with new players. No one can reach any conclusions about the OL rotation based on the first day.
A few weeks ago I looked at Joe’s deep ball performance compared to some other SEC QBs from last year and Joe is actually scary good. I discounted the VU game at the time because of the weather but even with it included Joe did great. I compared his VU game to CJ Stroud's game against Northwestern last year (also a weather game) and Joe's numbers were far better. I wasn't surprised by Joe's Orange Bowl performance, reason being, Heupel and Halzle.

I know some people, especially outside the program, are thinking we probably have at least a slight drop off in offensive scoring this year. I think it may be more likely that we set new records. jmo.

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Agree. Negavols are some delusional mf'ers.
A few weeks ago I looked at Joe’s deep ball performance compared to some other SEC QBs from last year and Joe is actually scary good. I discounted the VU game at the time because of the weather but even with it included Joe did great. I compared his VU game to CJ Stroud's game against Northwestern last year (also a weather game) and Joe's numbers were far better. I wasn't surprised by Joe's Orange Bowl performance, reason being, Heupel and Halzle.

I know some people, especially outside the program, are thinking we probably have at least a slight drop off in offensive scoring this year. I think it may be more likely that we set new records. jmo.

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Levis looking good.

I thought Joe vs Vandy > Stroud vs Northwestern, but I am glad the numbers back me up.

Also per that Vandy game, what people seems to fail to realize is those bombs into the wind and rain (you could see some of them hang up and blow around) was an essential part of the attack. Look at all the long rushing TDs we piled on because Vandy couldn't dare stack the box even in "unthrowable" weather. We kept the long ball threat in play in a quasi-typhoon. 😂
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A few weeks ago I looked at Joe’s deep ball performance compared to some other SEC QBs from last year and Joe is actually scary good. I discounted the VU game at the time because of the weather but even with it included Joe did great. I compared his VU game to CJ Stroud's game against Northwestern last year (also a weather game) and Joe's numbers were far better. I wasn't surprised by Joe's Orange Bowl performance, reason being, Heupel and Halzle.

I know some people, especially outside the program, are thinking we probably have at least a slight drop off in offensive scoring this year. I think it may be more likely that we set new records. jmo.

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That's crazy. He completed 14 deep balls to Hooker's 26 and probably played a 4th the # of snaps. In addition to completing a high % he must be throwing deep more often.

50 ppg, here we come!!
"You go ones, you go twos, go the next guy’s up, threes, and there’s real players at all levels right there that we certainly didn’t have early in my tenure here"

~Heupel on the roster's quality of depth.

feels good to finally hear this

and it’s only getting better from here is the best part.
Kids got home from school, and once I could wrap up a work call, I walked out of my office to see how their first day back was. Walk into the living room, and they have the end of the Vols-Alabama game playing. Alabama’s last drive was happening, and my 10 year old daughter is quietly singing Dixieland Delight. I love these kids.
Kids got home from school, and once I could wrap up a work call, I walked out of my office to see how their first day back was. Walk into the living room, and they have the end of the Vols-Alabama game playing. Alabama’s last drive was happening, and my 10 year old daughter is quietly singing Dixieland Delight. I love these kids.
School? It's only the beginning of August ffs
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