Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Best quote from Coach Heup:
“It was awesome yesterday, mentioned something about some of you guys (in the media) playing linebacker the first year here. You go ones, you go twos, go the next guy’s up, threes, and there’s real players at all levels right there that we certainly didn’t have early in my tenure here.”

Legit players at all three levels of depth - that, my friends, is how you assert yourself as one of the big dogs in college football. We have lacked that for so long, glad to see it coming to fruition!

It’s why it’s important to get up big early in your cupcake games. Helps you get game reps for your backups and backups’ backups.

We didn’t do that under the past regimes.
A few weeks ago I looked at Joe’s deep ball performance compared to some other SEC QBs from last year and Joe is actually scary good. I discounted the VU game at the time because of the weather but even with it included Joe did great. I compared his VU game to CJ Stroud's game against Northwestern last year (also a weather game) and Joe's numbers were far better. I wasn't surprised by Joe's Orange Bowl performance, reason being, Heupel and Halzle.

I know some people, especially outside the program, are thinking we probably have at least a slight drop off in offensive scoring this year. I think it may be more likely that we set new records. jmo.

View attachment 567531

edit: Uh oh, In the previous chart I forgot to include Joe's TDs into his all games stat line. Fixed. Sorry about that Joe.

Really appreciate this info. No question Joe has ALL the physical tools to achieve a lot of goals. Some guys just have game instincts, some process experiences through film study, some seem to only grow with their own experiences. Don't have a clue if he has from any of the sources developed the abiltity to read live play and react to tevel HH did. He can chunk it long, he can drill it into tighter windows than most humans, long outs are not a problem. Does he do the right things at the right times? You have to be agenda driven to have any answer that question. Not enough data available to make an ntelligent analysis. We al have to sit back and wait. Some will hope for success, some for failure...... just the way it is.
A few weeks ago I looked at Joe’s deep ball performance compared to some other SEC QBs from last year and Joe is actually scary good. I discounted the VU game at the time because of the weather but even with it included Joe did great. I compared his VU game to CJ Stroud's game against Northwestern last year (also a weather game) and Joe's numbers were far better. I wasn't surprised by Joe's Orange Bowl performance, reason being, Heupel and Halzle.

I know some people, especially outside the program, are thinking we probably have at least a slight drop off in offensive scoring this year. I think it may be more likely that we set new records. jmo.

View attachment 567531

edit: Uh oh, In the previous chart I forgot to include Joe's TDs into his all games stat line. Fixed. Sorry about that Joe.

Don't throw to the right Joe!
2 days in and I'm at 15-0. 👀 We have great players EVERYWHERE and some aren't even starters.

Difference is, this time it feels like a real possibility, not just blind hope.

Our offense is gonna dominate EVERYONE! 👀Our defense is gonna be better than our offense! 👀They may transfer us to the NFL by season's end! 👀

Really though, I don't think there is any defense in the country that can slow our offense down enough to keep up. No one is gonna hold us under 30pts and our defense won't allow more than 20pts/game average. We are legitimately good enough to beat bama on the road and throttle UGA at home. . . 🙏 that the UGA game is one where we dump 28pts on them in the 1st qtr and end up beating them 49-17 or so. . . actually hope every game is like that. . . Either way, we're going to the playoffs. 👀
Kids got home from school, and once I could wrap up a work call, I walked out of my office to see how their first day back was. Walk into the living room, and they have the end of the Vols-Alabama game playing. Alabama’s last drive was happening, and my 10 year old daughter is quietly singing Dixieland Delight. I love these kids.
you're a good dad.
Hyatts going to make a lot of people eat their words this fall. He’s been a standout all camp so far for the Giants.
The Twitter comments went from he can’t run routes and was just in a gimmick offense so he won’t be good in the NFL to……the Giants just have bad DBs. 😂
A few weeks ago I looked at Joe’s deep ball performance compared to some other SEC QBs from last year and Joe is actually scary good. I discounted the VU game at the time because of the weather but even with it included Joe did great. I compared his VU game to CJ Stroud's game against Northwestern last year (also a weather game) and Joe's numbers were far better. I wasn't surprised by Joe's Orange Bowl performance, reason being, Heupel and Halzle.

I know some people, especially outside the program, are thinking we probably have at least a slight drop off in offensive scoring this year. I think it may be more likely that we set new records. jmo.

View attachment 567531

edit: Uh oh, In the previous chart I forgot to include Joe's TDs into his all games stat line. Fixed. Sorry about that Joe.
At this point I will be pretty shocked if we don't at least match last year's production.

Heup has had nothing but top 10 offense since 2017's Mizzou. (13th then, still counts)

Every QB he has ever had going all the way back to Oklahoma. He's had a Heisman QB, and QB's that have broken numerous passing records at Oklahoma, Missouri and Tennessee.

We have our entire coaching staff back (Golesh and Halzle are the same to me)

Joe going into his third year and we come in more proven, more talented and deeper at pretty much every position on offense.

We may not have a guy as talented as Darnell Wright. That's really it. But we have several old experienced and accomplished guys all over the offensive line and some young talented ones.

The rest of the positions? It's almost night and day.

RB? Vastly more experienced and talented now.

TE? Warren back Castles is better than Fant, Davis looks good. Plus some of those walk ons would be playing at the G5 level. And Mr Freak Okoye. Deeper. More talented.

WR? Tillman was our only guy that had proven anything going into last year. Now we have four guys who have already proven they can have big games against some of the best defenses in college football. Bru and Keyton did all year. Squirrel torched Clemson and Thornton had 151 yards against Utah's 27th ranked defense last year.

And they're all older, more experienced and in better shape than they've ever been in.

Then you can pretty much say the same about the defense...more experienced, bigger, stronger, more athletic, more proven, more talented and deeper across the board.

Yeah sure sounds like we are gonna take a step back lol 😆
It’s why it’s important to get up big early in your cupcake games. Helps you get game reps for your backups and backups’ backups.

We didn’t do that under the past regimes.

Keeps your starters fresh and healthy for more important games too, especially on defense. 2016 was so infuriating when Butch Jones was doing the most boring offense possible with a stacked roster. Went to OT against App State and then we lost Sutton and JRM for the season against Ohio in a close game. 2 NFL players!!

It was certainly bad luck but that crap doesn't seem to happen when you've already taken the other team's soul and you're up 28-0 with time to go in the first quarter. Thanks Heupel.

Trial time, NCAA

I don't like the idea of states telling a governing body they can't govern the very thing those involved joined up for. The NCAA is voluntary and we all agreed to be governed by their rules. State legislators trying to tip the scales in favor of teams that reside within their borders is a political winner for them (everyone hates the NCAA and loves their own team) but it's wrong. If states can do this then there's no point to any nationwide regulatory body at all. College athletics would have to be regulated the way boxing is and that's deeply problematic. (Not to mention there's a big difference between setting up a single fight between 2 participants and the countless teams and events conferences and the NCAA are setting up).

If you join an org like the NCAA or the SEC or BIG10 or what have you, you should have to abide by the same rules everyone else abides by. Otherwise, go form your own governing body. But I don't think college athletics can withstand each state telling the governing body - sorry rules don't apply. That's bs.
I don't like the idea of states telling a governing body they can't govern the very thing those involved joined up for. The NCAA is voluntary and we all agreed to be governed by their rules. State legislators trying to tip the scales in favor of teams that reside within their borders is a political winner for them (everyone hates the NCAA and loves their own team) but it's wrong. If states can do this then there's no point to any nationwide regulatory body at all. College athletics would have to be regulated the way boxing is and that's deeply problematic. (Not to mention there's a big difference between setting up a single fight between 2 participants and the countless teams and events conferences and the NCAA are setting up).

If you join an org like the NCAA or the SEC or BIG10 or what have you, you should have to abide by the same rules everyone else abides by. Otherwise, go form your own governing body. But I don't think college athletics can withstand each state telling the governing body - sorry rules don't apply. That's bs.
But the NCAA shouldn’t be able to regulate the rights of people outside of their organization. Even if you agree to play football in the organization by the rules of the organization, you should be able to live your life outside of football and the university.
I don't like the idea of states telling a governing body they can't govern the very thing those involved joined up for. The NCAA is voluntary and we all agreed to be governed by their rules. State legislators trying to tip the scales in favor of teams that reside within their borders is a political winner for them (everyone hates the NCAA and loves their own team) but it's wrong. If states can do this then there's no point to any nationwide regulatory body at all. College athletics would have to be regulated the way boxing is and that's deeply problematic. (Not to mention there's a big difference between setting up a single fight between 2 participants and the countless teams and events conferences and the NCAA are setting up).

If you join an org like the NCAA or the SEC or BIG10 or what have you, you should have to abide by the same rules everyone else abides by. Otherwise, go form your own governing body. But I don't think college athletics can withstand each state telling the governing body - sorry rules don't apply. That's bs.

IF the NCAA equally enforced the rules, this might be less of a problem.
But the NCAA shouldn’t be able to regulate the rights of people outside of their organization. Even if you agree to play football in the organization by the rules of the organization, you should be able to live your life outside of football and the university.

Organizations, colleges, and businesses do that all the time. What these states are trying to do is say you can't enforce the rules here. They're trying to cheat. The NCAA should tell them fine - no NCAA events for you then. That's what would happen in anything else.
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Organizations, colleges, and businesses do that all the time. What these states are trying to do is say you can't enforce the rules here. They're trying to cheat. The NCAA should tell them fine - no NCAA events for you then. That's what would happen in anything else.
So organizations control what people do outside of the organization? They control people getting other jobs on the side? Give me for instances.

I was against the NIL because I didn’t want college football to be all about money. Everyone knew they were getting paid, but we didn’t have to hear about it all the time. But I like how Tennessee is doing it. And, no, I don’t think any organization should tell people they can’t make money off their name or image. If the NCAA cared enough to stop the AL, GA and OSUs with their gaudy excesses of cheating, everyone might want them to control the lives of others also.
Organizations, colleges, and businesses do that all the time. What these states are trying to do is say you can't enforce the rules here. They're trying to cheat. The NCAA should tell them fine - no NCAA events for you then. That's what would happen in anything else.
If it’s LEGAL to profit off your name and likeness, what gives the NCAA the right to regulate the terms? This is the result of that archaic entity being pigheaded in their enforcement of every little thing. It was never going to hold up LEGALLY. This new attempt at reestablishing the Draconian old guard won’t pass muster either. FAAFI and they risk sharing that much bigger broadcasting pie…billions on the line.
Organizations, colleges, and businesses do that all the time. What these states are trying to do is say you can't enforce the rules here. They're trying to cheat. The NCAA should tell them fine - no NCAA events for you then. That's what would happen in anything else.

This is the bed the NCAA made. It had a ton of respect and political capital 30-40 years ago; back then, no lawmakers would dare speak out against it, much less draft legislation thumbing it in the eye, no matter what the potential benefit to in-state schools.

But it has squandered all of that. The NCAA has become an out-of-touch, corrupt punchline that everyone believes is diametrically opposed to the best interest of the student-athletes. And any time it has a chance to rebuild some goodwill with those athletes, the schools, or the public, it, without fail, chooses some course of action that digs itself even further into the hole it’s spent the last near-half-century digging.

I have no sympathy for them. College sports needs new governance. And if state legislators can score some cheap political points throwing dirt on the AA’s grave, more power to them.
IF the NCAA equally enforced the rules, this might be less of a problem.

I don't think you'll ever have that without a level of transparency that no one wants to give us.

Schools don't want every bit of their laundry aired and compared. I think there's a lot of cases the NCAA has no real power over what took place - the UNC cheating scandal for example - the only solution there was for the academic governing body to threaten accreditation but the NCAA has no real power over that because universities can and do retain all power over academics. It's hard to tell the difference between a paper class and independent study but that's something their accreditors not the NCAA should've looked at and the thought of losing accreditation is so horrifying to a school that I gaurantee you know governing body formed from universities to oversee sports is gonna have that body touch anything related to accreditation because that doens't end football or basketball that ends your university - period (at least potentially).

What happened at Penn State is another example - the NCAA was able to hit PSU hard because PSU offered themselves up to those punishment. Later, after the immediate embarrassment had gone away PSU asked for and got some reductions. But the entire tragedy of Penn State never had much at all to do with anything NCAA related - players weren't being enticed with illegal benefits, recruiting rules, weren't being broken - instead it was horrifying crime and the scandal (and crime) of adults doing nothing when they suspected abuse.

Other cases like ours that got everyone pissed are standard NCAA cases. Mizzou is pissed because they got hammered over a cheating scandal while we didn't get a bowl ban but what happened at each school and what each school did about it are completely different things. We were also under different eras of enforcement.

So even if we did get full transparency, the cases don't line up. People want to make these comparisons but I don't think things are quite as random as the general public percieves. You could probably go back and form a timeline of cases under specific eras of rules and find patterns. I'd be surprised if commitee X treated offenders that differently throughout their own era/enforcement period. But the commitee headed by Y and under that era of enforcement and rules may well have treated offenders very differently than X but consistent within their own era of enforcement.
Keeps your starters fresh and healthy for more important games too, especially on defense. 2016 was so infuriating when Butch Jones was doing the most boring offense possible with a stacked roster. Went to OT against App State and then we lost Sutton and JRM for the season against Ohio in a close game. 2 NFL players!!

It was certainly bad luck but that crap doesn't seem to happen when you've already taken the other team's soul and you're up 28-0 with time to go in the first quarter. Thanks Heupel.

Pittman was on a podcast talking about their injuries last year. He said they didn’t hit a lot in Spring/Fall practice because they were worried about depth. Then the season starts and players were going down left and right. That was Butch.
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