Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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To be fair, I knew Danica McKellar from The Wonder Years.

But yes, they might as well start adding:

“I vow to watch Hallmark Christmas movies with you, and pretend to enjoy them, starting (at the latest) after Thanksgiving each year, but no later than New Years Day”

to the wedding vows, these days.
Lol...that's just straight truth...I just sit there with my eyes glazed over and go "awwwww" after every cheezeball scene and I don't have to do dishes all season..🤷‍♂️
No, the real issue is the NCAA is crooked.

And, no, your boi Sabey was leading the charge. Because we wants a new version of the ancien regime and a bunch of fake moralizing talk for the gullible to help him accomplish his con job.

And the greater issue you are dodging, if you want to think about it comprehensively, is that there is no possible body that could be trusted to enforce rules equitably. None. It's fairy land you're playing when you dream up new rules and orders. By a mental slight of hand, you proceed as if the rules applied themselves equitably all by themselves.

What crack pipe are you smoking?
The UNC thing really was the NCAA’s “emperor has no clothes” moment for the public at large. They’ve been almost universally viewed as a joke since then.

Well yes, that's always been the thing. The NCAA needs consent to punish on aspects the rules don't cover. UNC knew that. PSU didn't - actually, I think PSU wanted the punishment because of what happened. In years prior, UNC wouldn't have been so shameless. They'd have taken a punishment just like politicians *used* to resign when faced with scandal.
You'd think the SEC would prefer North Carolina over Clemson. North Carolina has a bigger fanbase and has a historic basketball program. It has the resources to be really good in football, and we may see that this year with Drake Maye. While Clemson's football success over the last decade is inarguable, it still seems like a flash in the pan in the grand scheme of college football history. Do they sustain this success without Dabo?
NC is a garbage football program that can't fill up half their stadium...that is least Clemsons football fans show up and are passionate....NC doesn't even have football fans.
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I disagree with your take. The current makeup is untenable where we live in the 'Wild West' with no rules or guidelines.. There does need to be a Governing body that establishes rules to address inequities. But yes, those rules must be followed by all (no special treatment). I'd like it to be a system where the Big Programs don't simply outspend the other 95% of schools (sure, some of this is already happening). I'd like it to be a system where craven State Law Makers trying to define new rules that favor their home institutions are sidelined. Mistrust any governing body? Sure, it's healthy to keep an eye on the regulator. But zero regulations is only asking for all kinds of abuse.
You mean like USC and Bama tampering and the NCAA doing nothing like has happened? That kind of "Wild West" is happening on the watch of the NCAA. A governing body.

You mean like every editor and front office guy who approved the GA stories at the AJC not getting fired, but one poor goober took all the heat? And then all evidence was disappeared. And how can the NCAA not investigate all the assaults and alleged rapes there, to say nothing of the auto incidents, which has already included deaths? How is GA getting away without drug testing these guys running 90 mph, etc.? And reducing charges to parking tickets? That is happening on the NCAA's watch. I suppose the DA and Police offices there are subject to the
"governing body" of the FBI, but you don't see them doing anything.

How was Kansas basketball not put on probation and their wins forfeited? That happened on NCAA watch.

How did Sabey famously buy the entire class that made him, the Julio gang, when everyone in country knew he was throwing massive bags, and the NCAA just happened to already be in the building (covering over a different Bama paying-players violation) at that exact time! But was not curious enough to look into it? There's your governing body.

Wait, whu? You want to put a spending cap on us, while the usual suspects thumb their nose at regulation! You must be crazy!

The error is imaging laws in the passive voice that "are enforced" "equally." You dodge the entire issue that way. You want governing bodies. Well, that is just what state legislatures are! 😂 I don't know whose propaganda got you so upset about state legislatures. But you provide your own example of what regulators look like in real life.
Just because a system is imperfect doesn't mean you just give up and say chaos is better. Our whole damn country is imperfect. Should we just abolish the USA or should we fix it?
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I’m not disagreeing at all about Butch or Heupel. I just hate it when people call adults kids. If they’re old enough to vote, drive, go to work to provide for themselves and die defending the country, they are adults. Not that some do not want to grow up until they’re 30. pisses me off to no end. Just a 💩ty excuse justifying 💩ty life choices...I was a f'n moron, but I wasn't a kid, other people my age made great life decisions and never went through the stupid self-inflicted crap that I did.

I'm never going to say "It's OK to be stupid, because I was stupid at that age too" is a total 🦬💩 way of looking at things.
Fun fact. The wife wanted a september wheddin'. Which ONLY woulda been during either Flarduh or Cincinatti. 🙄 Bye week was too much to ask.

So we 'settled' on Buffalo. There was no way in hell we was gittin' married on Bama day.

Sir…I do not blame you….but I’m pleased there was compromise
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I think UGA had more to do with Hooker not making the throws/reads he did the rest of the season. He was long on a couple deep shots, and didn’t see open crossers. If he hits on a few of those, then the pass rush slows down and DBs gotta back off. Hopefully Milton strikes early in those games.
Dude...go watch the game...they were mauling our guys and throwing off timing, that happening a along with the OL imploding due to the noise led to those errant throws.

The refs sucked and were a huge part of slowing the offense down because they let UGA foul all over the dedensive backfield...period. If you can watch that game and not see what the UGA Dbs and LBs were doing...then you are really blind.
You mean like USC and Bama tampering and the NCAA doing nothing like has happened? That kind of "Wild West" is happening on the watch of the NCAA. A governing body.

You mean like every editor and front office guy who approved the GA stories at the AJC not getting fired, but one poor goober took all the heat? And then all evidence was disappeared. And how can the NCAA not investigate all the assaults and alleged rapes there, to say nothing of the auto incidents, which has already included deaths? How is GA getting away without drug testing these guys running 90 mph, etc.? And reducing charges to parking tickets? That is happening on the NCAA's watch. I suppose the DA and Police offices there are subject to the
"governing body" of the FBI, but you don't see them doing anything.

How was Kansas basketball not put on probation and their wins forfeited? That happened on NCAA watch.

How did Sabey famously buy the entire class that made him, the Julio gang, when everyone in country knew he was throwing massive bags, and the NCAA just happened to already be in the building (covering over a different Bama paying-players violation) at that exact time! But was not curious enough to look into it? There's your governing body.

Wait, whu? You want to put a spending cap on us, while the usual suspects thumb their nose at regulation! You must be crazy!

The error is imaging laws in the passive voice that "are enforced" "equally." You dodge the entire issue that way. You want governing bodies. Well, that is just what state legislatures are! 😂 I don't know whose propaganda got you so upset about state legislatures. But you provide your own example of what regulators look like in real life.
Do I want 50 different legislatures establishing rules for how each team must act in their State? 50 different sets of rules? Heck no. I do want 1 governing body for the NCAA controlling things like NIL. Is there any perfect governing body? Heck no. Is the system perfect now? Heck no. Are concerns about favoritism enough to simply do nothing? I'd say no. Standards of conduct that apply to all equally is what I want.
Went back and looked. Penalties were bad. 7 false starts, 5 on OL. Mincey had two drive killers, Crawford/Wright combined for the back-to-back one you remember. Also a drive killer.

Obviously agree that GA’s all NFL Dline played a huge role in that, and the weather didn’t help, but Hooker was a Heisman level QB. He hit throws under pressure for 2 seasons. Had he done that against UGA, that pressure slows down.
What I am saying is the mauling in the defensive backfield was the real made the UGA DL even more of a problem than they were already gonna be.
I'd like it to be a system where the Big Programs don't simply outspend the other 95% of schools (sure, some of this is already happening). I'd like it to be a system where craven State Law Makers trying to define new rules that favor their home institutions are sidelined. Mistrust any governing body? Sure, it's healthy to keep an eye on the regulator. But zero regulations is only asking for all kinds of abuse.
You mean like when the NCAA had a limit on the number of coaches each team could hire, and Sabey just said F you and hired enormous numbers of coaches, and when the question came up, he said these are not "coaches," they are "analysts." I gave them a different name.

And the governing body said, cool. All the things you are worried about are symptomatic and emblematic of NCAA regulation.

Maybe work first on some angelic supernaturally-applied regulations to make so that state legislators are not "craven." Then we can roll that magic out at the football level.

Against your interest and awareness -- or in fulfillment of your interest, if you are a troll -- you are arguing against our interest. Are you a Bama fan? Sabey is running a propaganda campaign to teach deceived people to "moralize" in his favor. It's a dirty trick.
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Fun fact. The wife wanted a september wheddin'. Which ONLY woulda been during either Flarduh or Cincinatti. 🙄 Bye week was too much to ask.

So we 'settled' on Buffalo. There was no way in hell we was gittin' married on Bama day.
My wedding was perfect…. Got married Memorial Day weekend ( hard to forget)…. Killed two birds with one stone…. That weekend it was always going to be a family weekend so it doesn’t interfere with anything else I might have going on. 😂
You mean like when the NCAA had a limit on the number of coaches each team could hire, and Sabey just said F you and hired enormous numbers of coaches, and when the question came up, he said these are not "coaches," they are "analysts." I gave them a different name.

And the governing body said, cool. All the things you are worried about are symptomatic and emblematic of NCAA regulation.

Maybe work first on some angelic supernaturally-applied regulations to make is so that state legislators are not "craven." Then we can roll that magic out at the football level.

Against your interest and awareness -- or in fulfillment of your interest, if you are a troll -- you are arguing against our interest. Are you a Bama fan? Sabey is running a propaganda campaign to teach deceived people to "moralize" in his favor. It's a dirty trick.
"all orange" since the days of Condredge Holloway. Thrilled to see our Resurgence which largely happened with a good AD hire who then got us a terrific coach. It was not the 'old system' that kept us down. It was terrible AD (Mike Hamilton) and ineffectual coaching (at best). pisses me off to no end. Just a 💩ty excuse justifying 💩ty life choices...I was a f'n moron, but I wasn't a kid, other people my age made great life decisions and never went through the stupid self-inflicted crap that I did.

I'm never going to say "It's OK to be stupid, because I was stupid at that age too" is a total 🦬💩 way of looking at things.
Is that why they call them kids and make excuses for them? Because they did stupid things at that age?
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