Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Elijah Rushing: ”Now that I have decided to lose games at Arizona for my career, I wonder what conference those loses will come in?”
Dude...go watch the game...they were mauling our guys and throwing off timing, that happening a along with the OL imploding due to the noise led to those errant throws.

The refs sucked and were a huge part of slowing the offense down because they let UGA foul all over the dedensive backfield...period. If you can watch that game and not see what the UGA Dbs and LBs were doing...then you are really blind.
Kirby bragged about it didn’t he?
Elijah Rushing: ”Now that I have decided to lose games at Arizona for my career, I wonder what conference those loses will come in?”

Hope Arizona goes undefeated unless they play UT and the kid is a high draft pick who gets to enjoy playing with his brother. One of the better handled recruitments I’ve watched in a long time.
The UNC thing really was the NCAA’s “emperor has no clothes” moment for the public at large. They’ve been almost universally viewed as a joke since then.
Absolutely. And they deserve it.

No one with sense and integrity can even make an argument for the NCAA or a "new" NCAA (under a changed name) after that.

I think it revealed UNC academics to the whole world as a bunch of cowards and frauds too. 😂 They spit shine basketball's ...
Do I want 50 different legislatures establishing rules for how each team must act in their State? 50 different sets of rules? Heck no. I do want 1 governing body for the NCAA controlling things like NIL. Is there any perfect governing body? Heck no. Is the system perfect now? Heck no. Are concerns about favoritism enough to simply do nothing? I'd say no. Standards of conduct that apply to all equally is what I want.
I understand wanting one governing body to control everything to do with the game of football (and other sports). But exactly what do you hope that the governing body can do to control NIL besides have rules to keep the school and coaches out of it? A limit on the amount? ( Would just go back to paying under the table.) Not allow anything? (Already have a Supreme Court ruling against that.) I’m really curious what others and the NCAA want.
Hope Arizona goes undefeated unless they play UT and the kid is a high draft pick who gets to enjoy playing with his brother. One of the better handled recruitments I’ve watched in a long time.
Don’t disagree but he is going to be in a bad situation with that pick other than his brother.

Don’t take my post as dismissive of the kid just pointing out the situation he is walking into.
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If y'all want non-human names you want Elon Musk's kid whose name is X Æ A-Xii (I'm not kidding).

Didn't surprise me in the least considering it is Grimes's baby after all. Literally looks like the names of some of her songs such as: Screenshot_20230803_192143.jpgScreenshot_20230803_192209.jpg

Was listening to her way before I knew who Elon Musk was and man did that relationship creep me tf out.
Clemson isn’t going to the B1G imo. I think they end up in the SEC along with FSU and others.
Gross. Would be so bad for football.

Keep them the hell away. Bring in UNC and NC State or Maryland. Send Texas and OU to the ACC. Shake it up real good smdh
Didn't surprise me in the least considering it is Grimes's baby after all. Literally looks like the names of some of her songs such as: View attachment 567585View attachment 567586

Yeah well, IDK who Grimes is beyond being weird enough to date Elon and naming her kid something weird to match. I kinda thought they were the perfect example of non-humans integrating into human society. Being a 1st generation immigrant from another country is never easy and they're clearly from a different universe. 🤣

In all seriousness, I think the explanation she gave was the first part was Elvish and the X was because of Space X. So yeah, they branded their child - literally.
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It's gonna make a boat load of money from these deep pockets that carry the games. The rest is just noise that you work with and around. One has to wonder, though, when you reach a breaking point with the money. You can only ask customers to spend so much money on these streaming services. When folks are struggling to pay for gas and food, entertainment will be one of the least important things you spend money on.
They don't have to ask more.

The money is already there...this is just the consolidation stage wherein the poors are getting cut off and the elite are gathering. The rest die off.

This is so damn stupid for college football and yet the elite programs will sell the very rope they'll be hung on down the road. They're killing the golden goose for short-term greed.
"all orange" since the days of Condredge Holloway. Thrilled to see our Resurgence which largely happened with a good AD hire who then got us a terrific coach. It was not the 'old system' that kept us down. It was terrible AD (Mike Hamilton) and ineffectual coaching (at best).
Right on, @screenthis ! 🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊 Represent!
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So Arizona wins a national title? 😂

Well the only way that Arizona would go undefeated and play UT would be in the playoffs and I already said I certainly wouldn’t cheer for them against UT… not sure how you got AZ wins a national title out of it. I just hope the kid has a lot of success and there’s 0 reason to wish anything but the best for AZ. It’s football not basketball.
I don't like the idea of states telling a governing body they can't govern the very thing those involved joined up for. The NCAA is voluntary and we all agreed to be governed by their rules. State legislators trying to tip the scales in favor of teams that reside within their borders is a political winner for them (everyone hates the NCAA and loves their own team) but it's wrong. If states can do this then there's no point to any nationwide regulatory body at all. College athletics would have to be regulated the way boxing is and that's deeply problematic. (Not to mention there's a big difference between setting up a single fight between 2 participants and the countless teams and events conferences and the NCAA are setting up).

If you join an org like the NCAA or the SEC or BIG10 or what have you, you should have to abide by the same rules everyone else abides by. Otherwise, go form your own governing body. But I don't think college athletics can withstand each state telling the governing body - sorry rules don't apply. That's bs.
What is BS is the NCAAs rampant corruption and favoritism that has let a chosen few cheat with virtual impunity while crapping on everyone else and making sure the unworthies NEVER break through against the stacked chosen ones.

I am sick of them and this total pure 🦬💩 move is nothing but their attempt to keep their filthy cronies at the top.

Screw the NCAA...if you wanna governing body, then create a actual fair one...until then...burn the NCAA to the f'n ground.

We ALL HATE them 🤬
What is BS is the NCAAs rampant corruption and favoritism that has let a chosen few cheat with virtual impunity while crapping on everyone else and making sure the unworthies NEVER break through against the stacked chosen ones.

I am sick of them and this total pure 🦬💩 move is nothing but their attempt to keep their filthy cronies at the top.

Screw the NCAA...if you wanna governing body, then create a actual fair one...until then...burn the NCAA to the f'n ground.

We ALL HATE them 🤬
I do hate them but I worry that I will hate what replaces them even more.
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