Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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We went over this last month and this position is completely backwards.

Your state can say marijuana is legal. Doesn't mean your workplace, the NFL, your church, or the NCAA has to allow it within their boundaries.

Might as well have Tennessee lawmakers say "every game played within Tennessee borders will give the University of Tennessee a beginning lead of 50-0"... Might as well make voluntary associations completely meaningless.
That has absolutely nothing to do with it. NIL is not inside the NCAA boundaries. Their boundaries should ONLY be what is inside the university and games. The Supreme Court already ruled they can’t control what they make on NIL.
Between us and the B1G the difference is nominal. The B1G probably has the better tv deal (they usually do) but not enough to really matter. FSU is going to choose how far (how often) they want to travel. Personally, I would also be a little leery of a Florida team playing in the B1G during winter. I don't like playing at Mizzou at the end of the year.
And notice that Birmingham has always sent us there in winter (like they did with the baseVols this year), but Florida and GA never.
Just because a system is imperfect doesn't mean you just give up and say chaos is better. Our whole damn country is imperfect. Should we just abolish the USA or should we fix it?
Weird analogy. The “chaos” is spin for a monolithic, self-important organization that ran itself into the ground. Not a GOVERNMENT.
Dude...go watch the game...they were mauling our guys and throwing off timing, that happening a along with the OL imploding due to the noise led to those errant throws.

The refs sucked and were a huge part of slowing the offense down because they let UGA foul all over the dedensive backfield...period. If you can watch that game and not see what the UGA Dbs and LBs were doing...then you are really blind.

I guess it’s time for a thicker pair.
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FSU, Clemson, Virginia, Georgia Tech, West Virginia, Wake Forest. One from each state.

Louisville or West Virginia
Virginia or Virginia Tech
Florida State
Georgia Tech
North Carolina, NC State, or Wake Forest

Personally think Missouri and Nebraska should go to the Big 12 with Louisville and West Virginia going to the Big 10 and SEC….one school to each conference. That would leave room for 2 schools from NC or both schools from VA to go to the SEC. I know that’s not going to happen, but makes a lot of sense.
I understand wanting one governing body to control everything to do with the game of football (and other sports). But exactly what do you hope that the governing body can do to control NIL besides have rules to keep the school and coaches out of it? A limit on the amount? ( Would just go back to paying under the table.) Not allow anything? (Already have a Supreme Court ruling against that.) I’m really curious what others and the NCAA want.
They want the important people paid and everybody else back to where they belong. 😏
It's a governing body.
Created in a time when it wasn’t an industry that generates BILLIONS. Teddy Roosevelt spurred it into existence when there was no rules or regulations on FIELD PLAY and actual lives were being lost. It wasn’t until later that they became self-appointed guardians of amateurism and made anything beyond your scholarship, medical expenses, training table and nutrition and a small STIPEND “illegal”. Hypocritical when the President of this altruistic “governing body” claimed a $2.99 million salary to the IRS. Want it to go back to the genteel days that never were? Relinquish the multiple billions cash cow. Cuz even in the 50’s and 60’s an athlete could work and most jobs were based on their fame and basically NIL.
Those DBs must be from Alabama…

Memba JJ barely getting drafted because they said he was too slow despite the fact that he was torching the top DBs of the draft? Their styles couldn't be more different but the narrative that they can't/won't make it flies in the face of what they did on the field. I will never understand that. There will always be guys that are worth taking a risk on because they have potential but lack the tape but how do you knock so much tape when guys are playing against the best competition in college? We're not talking about guys playing at a D2 school against patchy competition or even guys playing D1 ball in a crappy conference. We're talking about ridiculous tape against ridiculously good competition.

If a player gives you game after game of insane performance and it's against great competition, I just don't understand why you're looking at other factors. The only other factors in that scenario are things like character flaws so bad you think they'll either crime their way out or party their way out OR injuries.
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