Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Real shame what’s happening to the sport. At least Greg Sankey gets another house out of it though.

Conference realignment?
Letting UNC get away with cheating is a prime example of the NCAA playing favorites and why they can never again be trusted. They were handing out class credits to basketball players who didn't even attend zooms or do work. It was flagrant. Yet UNC is a cheat-with-impunity school in basketball, so the NCAA said, well if at least one one-basketball players was given fake credits too, then there is nothing we can do about known massive cheating at UNC basketball!

That is total BS. They could have hammered UNC.

And what you mention about academic credentialing is another case in point. Credentialing should have hammered UNC when UNC avoided the (wishing-to-be-avoided) NCAA -- by means of saying that since UNC has fake classes open to all students, it is not a basketball issue. They could tell the difference between a fake class and real class. It wasn't some bit about independent study. It involved free As with no work or even showing for class. The credentialing people shirked their responsibility. The academic accreditation bureaucrats wanted to dodge a hot potato and to suck up to UNC. The whole thing was disgusting, and a clear reason to end the NCAA. And I think academic creditialicng was shown to be a farce, into the bargain.

I think, for good measure, if heads didn't roll at academic accreditation (I mean whole firings and bans on the member schools they represent), then that is an equal problem. If UNC had been some little school that was ok or even fashionable to look down upon, the academics would have pounced. I would bet the people holding the fake classes are still at UNC. All UNC's academic talk is fake imo until they settle this mess satisfactorily. The academics at UNC basically announced to the world that UNC is just a "sports school" and their academics are as shoddy as their basketball team and the complicit NCAA wants them to be.

On the subject of basketball, you do realize the Kansas should have been on probation and forfeited their recent basketbal title, don't you? But they are a big money maker for the NCAA and the basketball tournament is the NCAA's biggest pork pie, so the NCAA just refused to apply their rules.

The NCAA is a criminal organization. They make their money off of the events that they rig by means of enforcement favorites, to best of their ability.
It was our of the NCAAs jurisdiction since the classes were accredited. They broke no rules. That's why it had to go to their accreditation oversight.

That's my recollection.

Similar to the Penn St ordeal. People wanted the NCAA to hammer them for pedophilia. Want an NCAA jurisdiction.

There are enough NCAA legitimate issues to list without dragging out things they literally couldn't do during about.
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You are correct they cannot limit one's earnings amount (in essence), but they CAN allow how one earns. Ie, they can't accept payments from a terrorist organization, as an extreme example. Just like you or I couldn't. Even moonlighting laws are allowed in many instances. It's a voluntary contract.

For Universities it is even more strict, with moral clauses and such. Often can't even advertise for beer or weed companies. It's not illegal the entity is restricting them in what they can advertise for.
So exactly what are you proposing they should be able to limit on the NIL? The amount? Obviously no one is proposing they do anything illegal. And it stands to reason that Spyre and other collectives will not allow anything immoral that would reflect badly on the university or them.
30+ years in a union. Company rules/contract rules can not supersede state laws.
Example- reporting off for bad roads is not acceptable under “rules” state closes roads for bad weather employee can’t be disciplined.
I‘m not saying it’s this simple but we always negotiated with this in mine. Most arbitrators defaulted to this.
State says you can wear a g string. Work can't establish a dress code?

"You have every right to do whatever is legal. You don't have the 'right' to work here. That privilege comes with some boundaries that we set."

That's the distinction. Private organizations get to set boundaries on their membership.
If you insist on focusing all your efforts on correcting Vols fans to show your "objectivity," you could really help us out by narrowing your corrections to those of our fans who have been misled by the Sabey & Co propaganda into attacking NIL. Explain to these people that re-regulation amounts to the reinstitution of the old class of protected cheaters. And that NIL is helping us immensely. Really wish you would. I am not being sarcastic.
You type too much.
Spencer Rattler will piss down his leg when he steps foot in Neyland.

I don't know about that but that last year was a perfect storm. We had just obliterated Mizzou and SC had just gotten hammered by Florida. South Carolina made a desperate gamble and it paid off. The offense they showed up with when we played them was completely different than the offense they'd gone with all year and we'd left a key player on a so-so defense at home.

I think we'll def. be out for blood that game and will be very disappointed if we're not. We thought we were cruising but there's no cruise control in the SEC. Any team can beat you if you're not locked in and even accounting for Hooker's injury, I don't think we came into that game 100 percent locked in on SC. We thought Mizzou the better of the two and if we'd destroyed them we'd have no issue destroying SC and I just don't think we took it as seriously as we should've until we'd already allowed ourselves to get stunned.
There has to be some rules governing competition..but the NCAA has proven to be nothing but garbage filth, so I want them burnt to the ground.

Create a new body that will force everyone to abide by the rules, and not let a chosen few cheat with impunity.

Burn the AA to the ground and start over and do it right.
Psst... NCAA == The Universities.

All you will get is a rebranding.
State says you can wear a g string. Work can't establish a dress code?

"You have every right to do whatever is legal. You don't have the 'right' to work here. That privilege comes with some boundaries that we set."

That's the distinction. Private organizations get to set boundaries on their membership.
Nudity is my God given right, protected by the 1st Amendment.
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