Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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For the record, I'm not a fan of the NCAA controlling NIL. I was responding to posts that were raising state minimum limits (legal allowance) to institutional maximum limits (institutional membership). As example, the union post that insinuated that if a state allows something, companies needed to slow a well.

I was merely giving example that that is not the case and all sides should agree if they thought about it.

I'm glad the Supreme Court died with athletes over NCAA on NIL.

This Discuss was about the new state laws. Well see if they stand up against the NCAA on their rights to institutional standards of enforcement.

This is a more complicated issue than "NCAA bad" and "yay government control!" Because the rights to self determination that you allow taken from your "enemy" you allowed to be taken away from yourself.

On one hand, do athletes have the rights to their NIL? On the other, does the NCAA as an organization have the right to dictate to their member schools what activity they will have in the athletes nil and what rights to rule enforcement they have?

That's what will need to be settled and it's a complex discussion.
😂I just got to wondering if we were even talking about the same thing. I was not saying the NCAA should not have control of their organization. And would never say I want more government control. I was talking about the athlete’s rights outside of playing their sport and going to school.
Yah. They do. The employee can either choose to abide and be employed, or seek employment elsewhere.

Pull up the social media policy of some companies. They can fire you for what you post of Twitter/Facebook/etc.

Hell, tennessee is an at-will state. They don't even have to give a reason.

The fact of the matter is that employment is a contract, and each side has the freedom (within certain legal limits) to establish their side of the contract. It's a wonderful part of living in a free country.

Some of y'all sound like you're pressing for a Soviet nanny state where the gov't defines every little aspect of personal and corporate life. I'm not sure I would want to live in the place some are describing here.
So you think a state enacting a law that states the NCAA cannot punish student athletes who were not part of any wrong doing…….is communist?
If there were any consistency or fairness with the NCAA, there would not be any pushback. Too much money at stake to let the NCAA allow some members to get away with bad behavior and punish others.
So you think a state enacting a law that states the NCAA cannot punish student athletes who were not part of any wrong doing…….is communist?
If there were any consistency or fairness with the NCAA, there would not be any pushback. Too much money at stake to let the NCAA allow some members to get away with bad behavior and punish others.
There are so many conversations being had here that points are bleeding to the point of death.

Keep reading. You'll get mine.
That's not the discussion I was having. I thought we were discussing the new state laws that are trying to limit the NCAA and their ability to limit member institutions and ability to monitor and encircled their rules.
But is the NCAA still trying to control NIL with their rules?
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But is the NCAA still trying to control NIL with their rules?
They are trying to control the actions of their member organizations.

A: You can make money off of you NIL.

B: We need to make sure our member organizations don't abuse that to get an unfair advantage.

States: we'd love to mandate that they can't investigate our enforce against that unfair advantage for our in state schools.
Bama is going to do the Kirby thing and physically assault our WRs on every freaking play...and their fans are going to be really pumped. I think the refs are going to let them get away with it, and I believe our OL will have issues like they did at UGA and SC...and we will lose if they do.

Hope I'm wrong. If the refs force the Bubba DBs and LBs to play clean, then we will score and shut the fans up quick....I just can not believe that will happen until I see it.

I’m going to state that our coaches are aware of this situation and are planning on making provisions to counteract it. If our WRs practice against DBs that are imitating the uga DBs , then they can scheme ways around it.

Can a WR blast a DB at the line of scrimmage? As soon as the WR feels the grab, raise their arms as they spin and fall down. The refs would have to call that as defensive holding or PI.

Surely our coaches have a game plan 🤔
😂I just got to wondering if we were even talking about the same thing. I was not saying the NCAA should not have control of their organization. And would never say I want more government control. I was talking about the athlete’s rights outside of playing their sport and going to school.
Yah we agree on that. My points were about the baldness between the students rights and the NCAAs rights to freedom of association.

This my examples via gay marriage, alcohol and clergy.

Homosexuals have the right to self determination. You have the right to drink. Churches have the right to freedom of association and closely held beliefs in governance.

Now, take away the NCAAs rights to association and governance, and see how uncomfortable that makes you as a church member now.

That was my point. Otherwise, the wise people here love you O'Da. And I agree about the athlete's rights to NIL.
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Bama is going to do the Kirby thing and physically assault our WRs on every freaking play...and their fans are going to be really pumped. I think the refs are going to let them get away with it, and I believe our OL will have issues like they did at UGA and SC...and we will lose if they do.

Hope I'm wrong. If the refs force the Bubba DBs and LBs to play clean, then we will score and shut the fans up quick....I just can not believe that will happen until I see it.
The biggest difference to me was the line of scrimmage. Our OL was able to handle Bama but not Georgia when it counted.
Bama is going to do the Kirby thing and physically assault our WRs on every freaking play...and their fans are going to be really pumped. I think the refs are going to let them get away with it, and I believe our OL will have issues like they did at UGA and SC...and we will lose if they do.

Hope I'm wrong. If the refs force the Bubba DBs and LBs to play clean, then we will score and shut the fans up quick....I just can not believe that will happen until I see it.

Absolutely spot on... Unfortunately bama is still bama even though we beat them and the game being at home, Bama privilege will be in full force and we won't get a single call as usual, with them getting away with absolutely everything. By halftime it will be interesting to see how many Oline holding calls we have against us vs. bama... We will need to flat out beat them/out perform to get that W...It can't be close enough for the refs to decide or it will go their way.
Hmmm…to me it sounds like you are describing a Soviet nanny state where the NCAA controls every aspect of the athletes life. Not slavery because they chose it but indentured servant.

You just said legal limits. There are legal limits to the amount of control an employer can have on an employee. The Supreme Court has ruled that the NCAA can no longer have control of an athlete’s NIL. So I don’t know why exactly anyone is arguing they can. I asked and got no answer…what exactly is the NCAA planning on doing to control NIL? Limit the amount? I keep hearing them threatening. And keep hearing the big cheaters complaining.

Also, as an employee, if I don't like the rules or restrictions that an employer puts on me, I can go find employment somewhere where the restrictions are more in line with what I am willing to tolerate. For a young person that wants to play their sport in college, they currently don't really have an option except to fall under the purview of the NCAA. Whatever rules and restrictions, whether they be reasonable or not, are what the athletes and schools have to follow. There is no alternative governing body that schools or athletes can switch to. So schools and athletes are stuck dealing with an organization that clearly does not enforce it's standards evenly. A money generating or favored school may get a slap on the wrist for the same violation that would get another school the death penalty. Our most recent interaction with them is a perfect example. Pruitt and Co cheated and paid players what was at the time impermissible benefits. Now facts came out of that investigation that would indicate the at least one player on UGA's team got paid money from us during that time frame as well. Is there an investigation into the possibility of UGA providing impermissible benefits to players? No, because they are the golden child right now and for the AA to admit that there is anything rotten in Athens, GA would upset their money printing machine. It is all such a crock of poo.
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