Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I'm not going to look up individual names, but it's plain for anyone and everyone to see that enforcement and investigation are not equal and have not been for some time.
Of course any judicial system has biases.

I guess you could let every school have 1 vote. Even then you'll have groups joining together.

So, again, not sure what solution is there. It will still be the schools.

As for cases, idk, but I'm sure it exists. Just not the ones people tend to mention and misunderstand (see: UNC). We seemed to get a pretty good deal, but not sure we had anyone on the inside (though Sankey helped...).
The point was about how will they handle classes…. You can fly from North Carolina to California in 5 hours….. my daughter plays college basketball and has several 5 hour bussed road trips…. Classes is not a huge issue…. The biggest issue will be cost will be the biggest… will the bigger intake of revenue offset additional costs…. The schools seems to feel like it will.

The Big Ten is proud of their academics and boasts about it. These commissioners throw around the term "student-athlete" a bunch. Yet, here we are with the Big Ten expanding again and taking "student-athletes" away even more from their academic responsibilities.

Classes are an issue when you are away for 2 weeks at a time. Sure, you can jump on a computer, but it's not the same as being required to show up every day. Classes and costs are both going to change.

The SEC:
Except for the fact that the time zone change will have to be endured every other week. That will be brutal on the athletes.

There are statistics out there about west coast NFL teams that played a 1:00 ET game on the east coast. There are also stats against the spread. They aren't great. Those are professionals who do it as a job.
Are the “student athletes” even going to have time for school with all the travel.
At these alleged big "academic" sports universities, they don't play school. 😂 They can prolly sign their teams up for UNC's straight-A fake classes, or Vandy can hook them up with Peabody credits. Or maybe they can hire Harbaugh's assistant who was changing grades online at Michigan. This is not new: way back when Prop 48 exemptions were the new thing, the team most loading up was UC Berkeley.
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MLB commissioner's office does not spend money on salaries, but they set a salary cap as the sport's organizing institution

Mets are about to have their 2023 first round draft pick lowered 10 places for exceeding the cap
They do not put any cap on what a player can make in endorsements though. If there was profit sharing, then I would see the benefit of a cap. However, NIL is like endorsement money and the league has no say in that.
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