Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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And Arkansas and S Carolina. I've never liked it. Neither belong.

And, they brought with them the conference championship game...imo, THE foundation of all we've seen happen since, and what's happening today. That was their first taste of what ratings would be like, and what the networks (in 1992, the beginning of expansion beyond ABC, CBS, NBC) would pay for it. That game sowed the seeds of 21st-Century TV contracts...the engine that is at full-throttle, that is driving ALL of this.

Yep. In the new streaming world, live sports are one of the few content products left that will command advertising revenue under the old model. So the networks are paying higher sums for the rights to sports that will bring viewers. These GOR deals are driving the universities to seek a conference affiliation that will maximize their revenue. This dynamic leads to a situation where we have an Amazon vs. Wal-Mart struggle of the B1G vs. SEC, each feeling like they have to get bigger because if they don’t, their competitor will. Another good analogy might be the history of the pro wrestling business, which went from a bunch of geographically-based promotions, to a battle of the WWE vs. WCW, and finally the consolidation of all of it into the WWE.

I don’t like it, but it’s the way of the world.
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If the Big 12 could secure a huge TV deal that would be interesting. Right now only paying ~$32M per school. That's not enough to persuade a Mizzou or Nebraska away from the SEC or Big 10, even though it would be better for both of those schools competitively.

But maybe they can get Cal, Stanford, Oregon State, and Wazzu. Maybe even call for a merger of Pac 12 and Big 12 and combine the TV deals. Idk how that would work, but it could pump the payouts up to $60M ish?

Idk what the ACC is going to do. Seems they're hanging on by a thread. If you'd asked 2 years ago I'd have said the Big 12 would be the first to collapse but props to them, they're looking up. I'd rather there be 4 major conferences. The ACC can add G5 schools but without a major TV deal they're not going to be able to keep their high rollers.
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Huh? There wasn't a single thing Levis said that was anything close to trash talk.

I do see a tweeter talking trash... and I'd hate to see a Vol fan get humbled at our team's expense.
"Real football" is pretty CLOSE if not dead on trash. REAL as opposed to what?
Huh? There wasn't a single thing Levis said that was anything close to trash talk.

I do see a tweeter talking trash... and I'd hate to see a Vol fan get humbled at our team's expense.
He said KY plays real football. Not that offense that throws 80 yard TDs. No, he didn’t say it in a trashy way like on the football field.
Was that because they got more calls, they backed off to keep from getting calls or OSU receivers were more physical? I think I saw a little of all three.
Georgia was flagged four times for 45 yards…..not sure how many for defensive holding…. Ohio state was beating Georgia’s DBs early and often though…. Muschamp has taught that technique everywhere that he has been.
We need 4 regional 16 team super conferences to compete against each other in a Division 1 format in all sports.
Take the next 64 in D2
Then next 64 in D3.
This evens the playing field.
Require each D1 to sponsor a program in each division with $2 million for D2 and $1 million for D3.
Now there's some good outside the box thinking. I love the sponsor idea to keep programs alive if they're going to keep going down this path.
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@Neyland Rising liked a comment of mine last night, so I want back and read on from his "Mehupel" post. People trying to Shiano the hire, Josh Pate was even poking the bear, 😂. Only 3-4 members were being rationale at all. . . @Bassmaster_Vol was ready to burn Neyland, then 2 minutes later talking about how good Heupel may be. @SweetasSoda talking about her excitement over his offense. A couple others trying to use reason to explain why Heupel may be a good hire, but mostly posters were curled up on a fetal position, 😂

It's wild how some of the biggest whiners were members I'd never heard of and never seen since.

It's also wild how much better Heupel has been than ANYONE thought he could be, in all respects. Is he the best hire so far in the 20's?

I was reading an article the other day with a picture of Heupel on the front page. My wife looked over my shoulder and said "Mehupel". Cracked me up. Those were crazy times.
We needed more blowouts. The semifinal games are usually blowouts as it is. Expanded playoffs are nothing more than yet another money grab.
Maybe so, but with more teams legitimately being able to say, "hey come play for us, you'll get to play in the playoffs and play for a title" the hope would be recruiting may spread out some, instead of most guys going straight to bama, uga, osu because they're already in the playoffs nearly every year.

One can hope at least.
Maybe so, but with more teams legitimately being able to say, "hey come play for us, you'll get to play in the playoffs and play for a title" the hope would be recruiting may spread out some, instead of most guys going straight to bama, uga, osu because they're already in the playoffs nearly every year.

One can hope at least.
I actually believe they will expand to more than 12 teams in a few years. It would draw more views than these watered down Bowl games we see now. I watched most of the Bowl games last year and the attendance at some weren't very good..
Man oh man, the Big East was absolutely fantastic for basketball. More dumb **** they ruined for money.
I don't think the football is very good at Duke and UNC, but there Basketball programs would put SEC above Big 10 and Big 12. Then SEC would dominate all three major sports...
That game sowed the seeds of 21st-Century TV contracts...the engine that is at full-throttle, that is driving ALL of this.

Simple solution(?) - don't let the money go to the universities. Set a cap - universities only can make x amount. The rest goes to the players.

Bet we'll see a big step back from all this madness for $$$. All of a sudden, they won't be doing it to fatten their own wallets (see: Sankey's Napoleon syndrome when he found out he was the 3rd highest paid commish)...little guy's been on a warpath ever since ruining cfb
I don't think the football is very good at Duke and UNC, but there Basketball programs would put SEC above Big 10 and Big 12. Then SEC would dominate all three major sports...
Agree. Though I don't care about dominating sports (as a league). It's only been a negative for us. We never ever needed the league brand, we have our own. It was the other teams that benefited from it.

I'd love it every other SEC program was mediocre and we were maybe the 2nd best, 3rd best(?) football league like 50 years ago.

I just want regionality and balance. More reason I'd rather send Texas and OU back. The imbalance is ridiculous and bad for the sport. I want college football, as a nationally loved sport, to survive above all else. Don't give a damn about the SEC.
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