Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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I’m not so sure. I never forgot a class! I always knew where my schedule was. I didn’t really have anxiety about school. I loved the challenge and loved learning. So maybe there’s something I am not sure about so my subconscious is telling me…hey, you didn’t forget any classes so you won’t forget what you’re doing here either. Is that the same?
Works for me!
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My recurring dream is that it's near the end of the second semester of my senior year of college, and I'm looking through some old papers and find my class schedule. While looking at it, I realize I'm still enrolled in a class that I haven't attended since the beginning of the semester. It's also a class I need to graduate. The rest of the dream is spent in a panic trying to contact the professor and find out if it's possible to salvage my grade.

Apparently it's an incredibly common post-college dream. I actually sort of lived it, but it wasn't a class for me, it was meeting with the graduation coordinator to ensure everything was good to go. I didn't meet with her until the last minute, and it was sort of up in the air until a day or two before graduation as to whether my name would get called.
Thanks man! I never knew other people had that dream. Of my recurring ones, that's the one I wake up from that seems the most real--despite the number of decades since!

It's always a sweat-fest when you finally walk into that class you've missed all semester, and for some reason you left the dorm naked.
Susanna Hoffs’ side eye look was the main character in many of my teenage… err… thoughts
Quote from the Bangles official website [my bold added]:

"With their unique blend of '60s garage rock, lush harmonies, and jangly guitars, the Bangles became a seminal band of the '80s."
One time ago a crazy dream came to me
I dreamt I was walkin' in World War Three.
I went to the doctor the very next day
To see what kinda words he could say.
Said it was a bad dream.
"I wouldn't worry 'bout it none, though,
Them old dreams are only in your head."

Thanks man! I never knew other people had that dream. Of my recurring ones, that's the one I wake up from that seems the most real--despite the number of decades since!

It's always a sweat-fest when you finally walk into that class you've missed all semester, and for some reason you left the dorm naked.
Yikes! At least I am not naked during that horrible dream!
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I don't think people mind him trolling other teams. But he has a proven strong tendency to troll the Vols. I wouldn't doubt that he is messing with Vandy just so he can get off blocked lists and back in good graces, for yhe purpose of trolling us again.
I always thought he was a TN fan just bored. Never really thought of that account as a troll just satire.
Welp...dang it..🤬
If it’s 4 weeks or less then no big deal. If anything, we need a reliable #2 at center and an heir apparent for that spot next year. The first couple of games will be great for getting whoever that is experience in live action.

Though IMO if it’s Ollie Lane we’re in for a tough time until Cooper’s back.
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Will there be free parking spots like at the Orange and white game during the regular season games, should I buy parking early online for a spot, or arrive early to find and buy a spot?
Depends how far you’re willing to walk ($) but only free parking I know of is on-street parking. It’s still a long walk most likely & you do have to get there mighty early.
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Will there be free parking spots like at the Orange and white game during the regular season games, should I buy parking early online for a spot, or arrive early to find and buy a spot?
Get there early. It's like a one mile radius party a sea of orange and tailgating everywhere. It's going to be a wonderful feeling especially your first time. GBO and best of luck to Cam !!!
I'm not a big fan of Freud, for reasons not worth going into here, but he is interesting, and he briefly discusses this as a common dream in Interpretation of Dreams, iirc, or some like place.

He says it is a very common dream, and that is really about some challenge or problem the dreamer is worried about in the future and in their present. It's not about college at all. He says the "meaning" of the dream is that the dreamer should have confidence. Just as he or she had anxiety about school years ago (what the dream is recapitulating) but succeeded, so they will also with the new challenge. In other words, it's a reminder to oneself that some former anxiety was needless, as this one likely will be too. Make of that what you will.

That's interesting. I never had dreams about forgetting college assignments and homework until after I finished college. Similarly, I had a series of stressful professional exams I had to pass and I didn't have any dreams about those until after I finished. I always assumed it was my mind adjusting to not having that stress that triggered the dream (i.e. feeling like I'm forgetting something since I don't have to worry about that anymore). Maybe it's about a current stress.
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Any of you have a recurring dream?

I've had one my whole life, since I was a kid. I use to get it about once a month, then about once a year. Now I've started getting it about once a month again.

It's night and I'm in a dark parking lot, out of breath and tired from running. I'm hiding beside a car trying to unscrew an old antenna off it to use as a weapon. As I'm unscrewing it, I hear a voice say, "You think that's gonna help?"

I look to the where the voice is and there is a werewolf/bigfoot (he looks like the bigfoot from Tenacious D video and seems pretty nice except he's hunting me, but I think he's a werewolf) that has found me hiding by the car. He always asks me "what do you think an antenna is gonna do to me, it's not silver?" I tell him it's gonna leave a mark on him that can be seen when he turns human again (I think I'll finally be able to know who he is, then realize I'll be dead). He laughs and says no one will know how he got the mark, then I point up at a security camera. He sees it and jumps back a few feet and says "you win, but I'll get you next time!". . . then runs off into the darkness.

Sometimes in a parking lot, sometimes in a field with a bunch of cars parked in it, sometimes in a parking garage, but I'm always exhausted from running and I'm always hiding by a car trying to get an antenna, 😆. It's always dark and foggy looking.

So weird, probably from a werewolf movie I saw as a kid in the 80s 90s. 🤷🤔

Like others have said, mine is going into class at UT and everyone either starts getting ready for the test or handing in a project of which I knew nothing about. I don't have it as much as I used to, but I graduated 40 years ago and still have it occasionally.
My post was in response to the having superior talent part. No idea about the cheating. I can speculate but not prove. Saban has had superior talent in college. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. Whether that's from being an excellent recruiter, CEO, cheater, one or two or all, the fact he's had more talent still stands.

And, yes, Spurrier/Rhule/Kiffen/Saban etc were mediocre in the pros because the talent is much more even than in CFB. Also, could have something to do with being able to intimidate younger adults. Not gonna work in the NFL when your stars are making millions and may not work much longer in CFB with the way NIL is going.

How can you put kiffin in that group? He’s been mediocre at every level as a HC.
For me, your supposition completely fails by adding him in your list.
kiffin failed so badly at his dream school that the trojan admin left him at the airport of an away game. Wouldn’t even allow him to return with the team.

The other 3 are awesome when they can out talent the opponent. Look at Spurrier at South Carolina. Mediocre…
Put saban at kentucky right now and he wouldn’t change their win-loss record for this year compared to their current staff.
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