Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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All I know is that no one likes the Tuohys. You can't even find OM people that will defend them because they have such a bad reputation for how they treat those around them. In fact, you'll find a lot of OM people that deeply dislike them because they've had contact with them. I'm not sure Oher's case would stand for a lot of reasons but it really seems his entire complaint is that they lied to him about being family and now he feels used. Usually, there's not much recourse in cases like that but if they get a public black eye over it, it won't hurt my feelings.
One of the groomsmen in my wedding went to UT med school with a girl that briefly dated Sean Tuohy Jr. and.... woof.... that kid and that whole family... just woof...
One of the groomsmen in my wedding went to UT med school with a girl that briefly dated Sean Tuohy Jr. and.... woof.... that kid and that whole family... just woof...

That sums up a lot of what I've heard. I've yet to meet anyone who has been around them that hasn't found them hard to deal with to say the least.
Some people really want a family. So it matters very much to be seen as an equal son or daughter. Otherwise, you're just the odd man out.
If they need a piece of paper, someone failed somewhere. You can be blood kin with names on a birth certificate, and fail in making them feel like a priority in your life. There can be no blood, and no paperwork, and yet you can let people know their priority.
The greatest golfer of all time, taking a picture with Tiger Woods!


I hope the spoiler works in case anyone is weak in the stomach. This is pictures of my buddy in Kentucky a couple of years ago. He got but by a recluse, and had to have his cut and drained.
My wife got bit 2 weeks ago, but didn't see what kind of spider it was, we have seen both BRs and BWs in and around our house before, anyways she went to the Dr first thing in the AM, and they took care of her with a antibiotic shot and a script, plus had her come back for another shot the next day or day after, I think he gave her a steroid too but not she didn't have any real problems.

It did get feverish and swollen pretty quick but thankfully the treatment worked quickly and awesomely.

Man...I still have nagging doubts that Joe can do the job when under pressure against (insert big game opponent) late in the game when he has to pull some greatness to win the game...but...I don't think I have ever rooted as hard for a player as I am for him this year...he deserves to have great things happen for him.
If they need a piece of paper, someone failed somewhere. You can be blood kin with names on a birth certificate, and fail in making them feel like a priority in your life. There can be no blood, and no paperwork, and yet you can let people know their priority.

This is true until the person that 'adopted' you dies and then you find out quickly it didn't mean a thing. I used to think it didn't matter but I've seen the consequences for other people once the family member who adopted them died and everyone else suddenly screamed they weren't 'real' family. The law tends to side with them too and it becomes an enormous wound for the person who was adopted -- most already feel like outsiders but then if they're left without legal protection and people they were raised with suddenly claiming they're not family because they get more inheritance if the other is disregarded is one of the most destructive and painful things I've ever witnessed. File the paperwork. It does matter in the end.
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