Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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There is also the issue that the Tuohys allegedly violated with impunity the law and the courts direction that they report on a regular basis (typically each year, I am give to understand) on everything they had done in fulfillment of their legal obligation as conservators on behalf of their legal ward.

Now this flies under the radar as a seemingly trite matter in the grand scheme of things, but it is not. It would have provided (perhaps determining) evidence in the case now at hand. One wonders at the court overlooking the matter. Of course the only persons legally entitled to bring the matter to the court's attention on Oher's behalf would have been the Tuohys themselves. He had been deprived of legal standing to act on his own behalf.
Man...I still have nagging doubts that Joe can do the job when under pressure against (insert big game opponent) late in the game when he has to pull some greatness to win the game...but...I don't think I have ever rooted as hard for a player as I am for him this year...he deserves to have great things happen for him.
I just hope if Joe does not perform well in a game or two, fan base doesn't start screaming for Nico. Maybe doing well in practice but it's totally different from in game pressure.....
Yes, you were smooching their behinds.
Can you quote that? I repeatedly said that they should have proven their affections in deeds. I repeatedly stated that if they've done what they're accused of, they're scuzzy. I also said that it appears that they did it. Thus, they appear to be scuzzy people.

Not sure how that is kissing their butts.

If you just want the most recent example, addressed to you, you said:

"They're scuzzy because they lied to him all along. "

I responded:

It looks that way. So, why would we think they need to adopt him as soon as he became an adult millionaire?

ETA: The nerd in me think we need to edit from scuzzy to SCSI.

You're usually a good poster, but you're way off on this one. My point was "Looks like they're douche nozzles, an adoption won't fix that. (And if it somehow turns out they weren't actually douche nozzles, does he really need them to adopt him once he's a millionaire?)" Simple as that. Not sure how you read that as kissing their butts.

But whatever.
Can you quote that? I repeatedly said that they should have proven their affections in deeds. I repeatedly stated that if they've done what they're accused of, they're scuzzy. I also said that it appears that they did it. Thus, they appear to be scuzzy people.

Not sure how that is kissing their butts.

If you just want the most recent example, addressed to you, you said:

"They're scuzzy because they lied to him all along. "

I responded:

You're usually a good poster, but you're way off on this one. My point was "Looks like they're douche nozzles, an adoption won't fix that. (And if it somehow turns out they weren't actually douche nozzles, does he really need them to adopt him once he's a millionaire?) Simple as that. Not sure how you read that as kissing their butts.

But whatever.
Someone is sensitive tonight and has obviously forgotten I do not blue font.

Eat some chocolate.
If only we were all so lucky.
Right!! I did miss the first part of Butch’s. Just didn’t like him. I tried so hard to like Pruitt. Was hoping he would at least get us enough recruits to make us attractive to a good coach. Thought we were doomed if he failed. We were sooooo close!!! So happy with these coaches!
I'm sorry I made you cry. That was mean of me.

My wife got bit 2 weeks ago, but didn't see what kind of spider it was, we have seen both BRs and BWs in and around our house before, anyways she went to the Dr first thing in the AM, and they took care of her with a antibiotic shot and a script, plus had her come back for another shot the next day or day after, I think he gave her a steroid too but not she didn't have any real problems.

It did get feverish and swollen pretty quick but thankfully the treatment worked quickly and awesomely.
Glad it worked quickly for her. You still in Kentucky? I know recluse are bad around that area.
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