Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Good grief, the narrative is that Joe Milton is going to overthrow the ball into interceptions. Give me a break, the guy just doesn't throw interceptions and the overthrow angle is way overplayed.

Joe honestly only needs to connect on 2-3 deep balls to force UF's secondary to respect them. Which then opens up running lanes. I think we are actually going to win this game on the ground.
Joe honestly only needs to connect on 2-3 deep balls to force UF's secondary to respect them. Which then opens up running lanes. I think we are actually going to win this game on the ground.

Florida will have to run a 7-deep shell coverage to prevent the home run ball.

Smalls, Wright, and the RBack Pack will run rough shod over the Gata's.

Vols by fiddy!!
Prob would have remembered had he won.

Literally took me a second to realize what game that was...27-14 in the 4th quarter?!?

With 10 minutes to go. A two-score lead with 10 minutes left, having played an awesome game up to that point, and we went and blew it. I'm still salty 8 years later.

I was there. When we scored to go up 26-14, a sizable collection of Florida fans started leaving. Then, while everyone around me stared on in befuddlement, we kicked an extra point. An extra point? They're not kicking any field goals this late in the game. But an extra point it was.

I just sank into my seat when Florida scored the go-ahead TD. "We're never going to beat them," I mumbled. "What?" my girlfriend (now wife) asked. "It doesn't matter," I said.

To twist the knife, Medley's long potential winning FG just missed. Then to twist it even more, on the way back to the car I learned that Butch Jones had said we didn't go for 2 because of "the chart."

I drove right back home after the game. We had planned on spending the night, but I couldn't bear another minute in Gainesville. It was such a quiet drive. And a long one.

At least I got 2016 the next year though.
With 10 minutes to go. A two-score lead with 10 minutes left, having played an awesome game up to that point, and we went and blew it. I'm still salty 8 years later.

I was there. When we scored to go up 26-14, a sizable collection of Florida fans started leaving. Then, while everyone around me stared on in befuddlement, we kicked an extra point. An extra point? They're not kicking any field goals this late in the game. But an extra point it was.

I just sank into my seat when Florida scored the go-ahead TD. "We're never going to beat them," I mumbled. "What?" my girlfriend (now wife) asked. "It doesn't matter," I said.

To twist the knife, Medley's long potential winning FG just missed. Then to twist it even more, on the way back to the car I learned that Butch Jones had said we didn't go for 2 because of "the chart."

I drove right back home after the game. We had planned on spending the night, but I couldn't bear another minute in Gainesville. It was such a quiet drive. And a long one.

At least I got 2016 the next year though.
That was my second and last chance game with Butch. I wanted to replace him in the 4th quarter of our Okla blowout that he turned into a loss by trying to run the clock out for about a quarter and a half. I wasn't just exaggerating for effect: I was completely serious. He sucked and sucks.

I was persuaded by my bro to give Butch one more chance (against my better judgement) and I watched that FL game with him. I was 100% never again from that point forward.

Saved me some grief, but no Vols fan should have to endure that feeling. I never had any confidence in the guy thereafter. I enjoyed some wins in 2016 but I never thought they would amount to anything. And they didn't. I can't believe it took so long to get rid of him.
Where are the sneaker heads?

Need opinion on some Nike dunks
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That was my second and last chance game with Butch. I wanted to replace him in the 4th quarter of our Okla blowout that he turned into a loss by trying to run the clock out for about a quarter and a half. I wasn't just exaggerating for effect: I was completely serious. He sucked and sucks.

I was persuaded by my bro to give Butch one more chance and I watched that FL game with him. I was 100% never again from that point forward.

Saved me some grief, but no Vols fan should have to endure that feeling. I never had any confidence in the guy thereafter. I enjoyed some wins in 2016 but I never thought they would amount to anything.

I have never been as angry as a Vol fan as I was those two games. We should never allow that idiots name to be spoken in relation to anything Vol. Strike him from all records. Very few people could have completely butchered the opportunity that fell in his lap like he did. I don’t have anything against Arkansas state, but I hope they lose every game while he is coach.
I have never been as angry as a Vol fan as I was those two games. We should never allow that idiots name to be spoken in relation to anything Vol. Strike him from all records. Very few people could have completely butchered the opportunity that fell in his lap like he did. I don’t have anything against Arkansas state, but I hope they lose every game while he is coach.

Well, they're not too far off that mark.
I have never been as angry as a Vol fan as I was those two games. We should never allow that idiots name to be spoken in relation to anything Vol. Strike him from all records. Very few people could have completely butchered the opportunity that fell in his lap like he did. I don’t have anything against Arkansas state, but I hope they lose every game while he is coach.
Someone in here said that it must burn Butch like hell that Heupel is living his dream.

Unlike @Orange., I wasn't completely out after that UF game. I was close to out but we finished 2015 so strong that I got back on the bus. The first half of 2016 was great in spite of the flashing warning signs (App State), but after we lost to Vandy in 2016 I was out. I STILL didn't think we should've fired him then because back-to-back 9-4 season weren't awful after what had happened with Dooley. But I was wrong because Butch followed that up with the only 8-loss campaign in Tennessee history. Until 2017, only two programs in all of college football had never lost so many games in a single season. It was down to 1 after Butch got done with us.

I can't stand him. And for him to smoke a cigar in the Bama locker room in 2018 -- I mean, I guess he deserved one given the ditch he put Tennessee further into, so he played a role in Bama's win in that manner I suppose -- but like we did him dirty by paying him tens of millions to go away after he objectively failed.

I think it was Josh Pate who said that after the 2016 UGA game, he was on the field well after nearly everyone had left when Butch came out with his entourage to soak it all in. That was as good as it would get for him. Arkansas State is fixing to can his fake backside, too.
My daughter is starting AutoCAD classes at school today. Do you have any pointers I could share with her?

If you can afford it. make sure she has a computer that can run autocad without any sluggishness. A lot of people overlook how hard it can be to learn software if the hardware is decrepit and/or makes for long load times/crashes etc. It's a lot easier to learn if the PC/Laptop zips through the program without issue.
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