Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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We can disagree.

Kiffin's behavior was indefensible, but there was nothing about UT at that point that forced a Dooley or Jones or Pruitt except lack of vision and leadership. I have zero doubt that with a system president like Randy Boyd and an AD like Danny White we would have made a good hire and avoided the disaster. Whether that was by finding a quality lower tier guy like Heupel or recognizing the existential threat we faced and overpaying for a big name to prevent the damage, they would have handled it.

With the leadership we had, yeah, it was over when Kiffin walked.

Actually, knowing now what we do, it was over the day Hamilton chose Kiffin over Patterson. At that time, Gary Patterson is an absolute home run.
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I said then...if I remember correctly.."Kiffin just nuked our program back to the stone age of the 70s"

You can blame whoever you want....I knew that night that it was a disaster which would have horrible long term consequences.
If I had known that night that Hamilton was going to do what he did, I would've agreed with you.

Knowing now what we know, however, I actually believe the nuking began with how Fulmer was handled, into the hiring of Kiffin, while brushing Gary Patterson aside like crumbs. Snowballed from those moves.

In no way do I believe Kiffin is guiltless, not at all...however, what keeps me from outright pure hatred of him, is knowing that I would have done the same exact thing if the Vols had come calling me.
‘such as it is’. I don’t know who he’s talk to, but we’re in the little boy who cried wolf scenario, I suspect, he’s off laughing and waiting for a insider to post and pounce on how he ‘got us all’. Yuck, yuck.
Not impossible. I still won't believe that someone on our OL told him this. And also, since his story keeps changing, something that turns out to match one iteration wouldn't match the other versions. And finally, he claims there are no insiders, so that would be an awkward justification for him.

I don't think it's in the team's best interest to have a guy rumormongering.

I won't count myself as having known retroactively if the rumor somehow turns out to have some ground, however attenuated. I won't have been "gotten," imo, if I didn't buy morphing unsubstantiated rumors. He wouldn't have much to yuck about.
Sad story!

"The victim, who was hit and killed by a car that ran off the road in Knoxville on Monday, has been identified.

Ben Kredich, 24, was struck and killed by an “impaired motorist” Monday in Knoxville while walking near the University of Tennessee campus according to a statement from UT. He is the son of Tennessee Director of Swimming & Diving Matt Kredich. In addition, he had participated in UT FUTURE, a college program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities which allows them to attend UT Knoxville and learn to live independently."
Oh no 😥
From what I’ve been told on KY and Leary, they think he’ll be good but they’re fu**ed if he goes down, and that concerns them since he’s been injury prone
Maybe why the writer was still predicting 8-4. However, they get a bye before our game. On paper they could be 6-1 when we play, their only real competition is GA leading up to Oct 28.
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From what I’ve been told on KY and Leary, they think he’ll be good but they’re fu**ed if he goes down, and that concerns them since he’s been injury prone

Assuming Leary stays healthy, Kentucky will be a better team that what we saw last season. Not sure if their win total will reflect that improvement, but Leary is a huge upgrade over Levis.
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I said then...if I remember correctly.."Kiffin just nuked our program back to the stone age of the 70s"

You can blame whoever you want....I knew that night that it was a disaster which would have horrible long term consequences.
So do you have the gift of discernment? Can’t understand how people can’t understand? My husband has this. It can drive him crazy at times.
He literally missed it by a foot. That wasn’t the decision that lost that game.

That decision along with not going for 2 lost that game. The inability to field an average defense lost that game more than anything. I stand by my statement though. He was not going to make that kick, we both knew it before they lined up the first time and we definitely knew it the 2nd time they lined up. Medley didn't make a 50+ yard FG his entire career, 0-5, he was horrible. They knew better than to try and let him kick a 60-yarder against Georgia thankfully.

Edit: The FG was a minor decision in perspective. Hardly on the map of reasons we lost that game. I recall Butch totally mismanaging the clock on our last possession too, otherwise it could have been a more makeable FG. Just pointing out that he did not have a kicker that could hit from 50, much less 55.
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