Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Did you guys see this? 😡 Hth did or can this happen? I hope ... I hope. You dont know what I hope for this mfer.
Oh dear God - how many could they have stopped had they even looked at what they had - all those women and children. I’m crying from hurt for them and incredibly intense anger. I think i could do something really really bad to that man -m that animal - right now.🤬 And the JCPD - grrrrr
Oh dear God - how many could they have stopped had they even looked at what they had - all those women and children. I’m crying from hurt for them and incredibly intense anger. I think i could do something really really bad to that man -m that animal - right now.🤬 And the JCPD - grrrrr
I dont know what they were thinking. I just know the City's prosecutor said 'you need to look at his hard drives, cpu's and cell
phones.' 'he's a serial rapist.'

They didnt investigate it. Wellmont now has a dedicated rape testing facility at JCMC. Why in 2023 we just have these things is beyond me?

I guess there's a silver lining? Several people have been fired in the wake of this. And they should have. Hence the lawsuits.

These monsters have a profile, and that prosecutor was spot on. And they fired her for it. Now they have whats coming.
I think we can all agree that Kiffin sucks pond scum, Mike Hamilton ran the entire AD in the ground, and that @ACvol3 has turned into the biggest hypocrite I’ve seen on this board.

All of this is true.

I agree except I think y'all are being way too hard on ACVol. I'm probably missing something or maybe I'm missing a longer backstory but Mincey (or any other player this time of year) leaving a meeting upset isn't that uncommon. It's crunch time and frustrations are going to happen as players compete for positions. Stuff like that happens and gets sorted. I think our fears about the OL took that comment further than it would've gone any other time. If Cooper isn't hurt and OL not a concern, it's the kind of comment that doesn't draw this much attention. But maybe I'm missing something (it's been a busy week).

As for the program being driven into the ground - Mike Hamilton is 100 percent responsible. When it came out that Kiffin had told Hamilton he'd leave for USC and Hamilton hired him, had no buyout in the contract, and took no steps to have a coach lined up despite knowing the situation at USC and what Kiffin had told him it became almost* completely Mike Hamilton's fault.

*I'm sure Hamilton had marching orders from others but that's a whole other debate.
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