Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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1) I’m giving the information I was told.
2) Your article is from March.
3) 68.4% was 2022’s number.

“According to material presented to the Board of Trustees on Friday, the in-state acceptance rate in 2022 was 71.2% and the out-of-state acceptance rate was 67.2%. The overall acceptance rate in 2022 was 68.4%.

Though the final figure for this year's acceptance rate has not been released and more acceptances may be issued for those who applied after the regular admissions deadline, the acceptance rate plummeted by nearly 30% in one year, according to figures from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

The 2023 acceptance rate, which is likely to be around 40%, places UT closer in line with SEC peers like the University of Georgia and the University of Florida.”
I do know that Plowman has publicly stated that UT received 50,000 applications.
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If it's monetarily feasible for ACC I wonder why Big 12 doesn't just add them.
The ACC is simply shooting for a "too big to fail" type of strategy. Sirius has been talking quite a bit about it. They saw what the BiG 12 did. It protected itself by adding plenty of members.

Even if your new members stink, at least you can claim the new form of the league isn't being abandoned and isn't dead 😒😒😒
Interesting. In 2001 we lost to an 8-4 UGA team that ended up losing to the same Boston College team in the bowl game. Look I don’t see why you honestly think we matched up with them. Why? Honest question. Now the 2001 TN Vols ever mentioned as one of the greatest teams of all time? You know the answer. It’s no. Now is 2001 Miami mentioned as one of the GOATS? Yes.

We beat Syracuse 33-9. Miami beat them 59-0. You wanna bring up they struggled with two teams, one of them ranked VT. Ok. In 2001, we barely beat a 2-9 UK team by 3, who by the way had a first time HC. We also struggled with a 7-5 Arkansas. You can pretend like the 2001 team would have matched up with Miami if you want. But they smashed a really good Nebraska team at the end of the year.
Your original comment was that they "would have skull-drugged us". Would you or would you not agree that statement is conjecture? Did they skull-drag Boston College, yes or no? Did they skull-drag Virginia Tech, yes or no? What makes you think we couldn't have hung with them like those 8-4 teams?

Again, I don't disagree that they would have beaten us. And, I only say that because of our coaches. We had the talent and speed to at least play with them. And, yes, they may have very well skull-drug us; OR!!! Ohio St, we may have very well upset them. We'll never know, and anything outside of that is, again, PURE CONJECTURE, as you're always so quick to say.

Moot, anyway, since we sh!t the bed in SEC title game.
Lived there most of my life and never had a single thing stolen from me. However, in the 3 years I lived in Nashville, I had a truck broken into, a car stolen and used in an armed robbery, which I had to pay to get back, a truck stolen, and 2 other cars broke into.

Jeez. What part of town did you live in?
And recall that UNC's own defense was that academic rigging and lack of integrity is not only for athletes: fake, no-work, no-show classes were available to all students at UNC.

Exactly why it didn't break NCAA bylaws at the time. No special consideration to athletes. Now, we all know it's silly...but they played the rules and jurisdiction.

Maybe they're just that genius 🤣🤣🤔 Nah but horseshoe up their a**...yes.
Some HS game in TN got cancelled this week for Covid
Is that confirmed? I had what I assumed was a bad sinus infection a couple weeks ago, went to the doctor turns out it was this new strain. Had about two days of not wanting to get out of bed but was over it by day 4. Felt like a rough sinus infection. Seemed so much weaker than the Delta variant or other previous strains. I’m not sure how it was shut down a football game unless there was a crazy mass outbreak among the team and coaches.
Remember how obsessed Butch Jones was with this shiz correlating stat that said "if you turn the ball over less than your opponent, you'll win x percentage of the time?"

Which he then used to justify his conservative play.

Heupel is showing you can be wildly aggressive and do it far better in the TO category. Oh, and if you score enough, TOs lose their impact. Just gain more possesions and keep scoring.
Every coach in the country is a lying scumbag.

…except the ones that coach at Tennessee, they’re the only morally superior coaching staff in the nation. Riley, Swinney, Saban, Smart… they’re all cheap swindlers that exploit their players.

This is what I learned on VN. From people who sit online all day and have had no interaction with said coaches. Coincidentally, those coaches all happen to be quite successful… weird how that happens.

I missed this discussion earlier in the week, so I traced the thread back to the part about Caleb Williams painting vulgarities on his fingernails. I remember when this was news and I told my SO about it. She laughed and said when she was an undergrad at USC many years ago, during UCLA game week someone reprogrammed all of the "Don't walk" intersection signals in Westwood to read "***LA".

College sports rivalries have never been known for good etiquette, including language coming from the athletes and coaches. I think for the great majority of fans, lowbrow rivalry humor is much more likely to be perceived as objectionable when it's not coming from their side.
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