Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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1) Iā€™m giving the information I was told.
2) Your article is from March.
3) 68.4% was 2022ā€™s number.

ā€œAccording to material presented to the Board of Trustees on Friday, the in-state acceptance rate in 2022 was 71.2% and the out-of-state acceptance rate was 67.2%. The overall acceptance rate in 2022 was 68.4%.

Though the final figure for this year's acceptance rate has not been released and more acceptances may be issued for those who applied after the regular admissions deadline, the acceptance rate plummeted by nearly 30% in one year, according to figures from the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

The 2023 acceptance rate, which is likely to be around 40%, places UT closer in line with SEC peers like the University of Georgia and the University of Florida.ā€
Either way itā€™s a big change from back in my day when you had to meet the minimum ACT / SAT and your check cleared to gain admission. Guess the lottery has made an impact
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I'm kinda surprised to google and find that hail marys have around a 10% success rate. I believe that's an NFL stat though.
I'm questioning that stat.... Granted I only have personal experience to go on, but I think it's a lot lower. Or maybe their definition of hail Mary is different than mine?
The "Nashville" part apparently

View attachment 571889

According to that same site, some other noteworthy southern cities:

Memphis 0 crime index - Literally canā€™t get worse.
Knoxville 3 crime index - same index as Nashville.
Asheville 1 crime index - surprising. Didnā€™t realize itā€™s so bad there.
Atlanta 3 crime index - surprised by this one, honestly.
Mobile 0 crime index - as we all learned with the riverboat fight. (Correction: that was Montgomery)
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At the time it would have been the pragmatic way to go about all my stupid decisions were when I was in my 20s, so yeah by that time I would gave done the pragmatic responsible thing.

But you just keep on carrying water for your pathetic're sure not the only one on VN.
Unlucky for you, i have now turned my "pathetic man-crush" toward you. What's truly pathetic is that you, now what, in your 50s, 60s??, absolutely cannot handle someone disagreeing with you...and, we ALL have seen countless examples of it. Keep on saying stupid sh!t like this, outside of your 20s, and ill keep on highlighting it, as coming from your ass...that is, until you slink away and ignore me with some childish-ass emoji.

Nine and a half out of ten people in here would have done the EXACT SAME THING Kiffin did, if it had been UT calling, period, end statement, do not pass go, do not collect $ matter what state the program, administration, janitorial services, etc would have been. You can say you wouldn't have, so I'll believe you. I'll leave it to others on whether they do or not. Again, I don't care if I was the HC for the Kansas City Chiefs, with Mahomes at QB, UT could be in ashes, literally...if they call, I'm accepting...THAT'S how much I love the Vols. MANY others feel the same way about UT, and other places.

I like you McGill...I imagine we see eye to eye on much, even outside of the Vols; but, expect me to put you on blast whenever you say dumb sh!t, like you did above. The thought of me "carrying water" for Lane Kiffin is laughable, and I dont see you as a comedian.

Again, and you can turn up your Beltone, if need be...Mike Hamilton nuked this program, Lane Kiffin was one of his bombs. I don't hate Lane Kiffin for how he left...i hate him for what he did while he was here, and everything he's done and said SINCE he left. If that's "carrying water", I'll shower in it.
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According to that same site, some other noteworthy southern cities:

Memphis 0 crime index - Literally canā€™t get worse.
Knoxville 3 crime index - same index as Nashville.
Asheville 1 crime index - surprising. Didnā€™t realize itā€™s so bad there.
Atlanta 3 crime index - surprised by this one, honestly.
Mobile 0 crime index - as we all learned with the riverboat fight.

Not sure what a riverboat in Montgomery has to do with Mobile.
I'm questioning that stat.... Granted I only have personal experience to go on, but I think it's a lot lower. Or maybe their definition of hail Mary is different than mine?
Going by UT, both JJ and the UK halftime hail mary just within the last 8 years, I could believe itšŸ˜

Then again, I don't think we as fans will remember the failed the hail marys.

I think Medley's kick was 100% right. And he nearly paid it off.
Unlucky for you, i have now turned my "pathetic man-crush" toward you. What's truly pathetic is that you, now what, in your 50s, 60s??, absolutely cannot handle someone disagreeing with you...and, we ALL have seen countless examples of it. Keep on saying stupid sh!t like this, outside of your 20s, and ill keep on highlighting it, as coming from your ass...that is, until you slink away and ignore me with some childish-ass imoji.

Nine and a half out of ten people in here would have done the EXACT SAME THING Kiffin did, if it had been UT calling, period, end statement, do not pass go, do not collect $ matter what state the program, administration, janitorial services, etc would have been. You can say you wouldn't have, so I'll believe you. I'll leave it to others on whether they do or not. Again, I don't care if I was the HC for the Kansas City Chiefs, with Mahomes at QB, UT could be in ashes, literally...if they call, I'm accepting...THAT'S how much I love the Vols. MANY others feel the same way about UT, and other places.

I like you McGill...I imagine we see eye to eye on much, even outside of the Vols; but, expect me to put you on blast whenever you say dumb sh!t, like you did above. The thought of me "carrying water" for Lane Kiffin is laughable, and I dont see you as a comedian.

Again, and you can turn up your Beltone, if need be...Mike Hamilton nuked this program, Lane Kiffin was one of his bombs. I don't hate Lane Kiffin for how he left...i hate him for what he did while he was here, and everything he's done and said SINCE he left. If that's "carrying water", I'll shower in it.
Remember how obsessed Butch Jones was with this shiz correlating stat that said "if you turn the ball over less than your opponent, you'll win x percentage of the time?"

Which he then used to justify his conservative play.

Heupel is showing you can be wildly aggressive and do it far better in the TO category. Oh, and if you score enough, TOs lose their impact. Just gain more possesions and keep scoring.


Edit - I feel old and donā€™t remember how to post a gif.
Mebbe. I think heā€™d have done more with the regular offensive weapons. Donā€™t see Berry taking snaps from Malone, Jennings, Calloway, Palmer and most likely Higgins (prolly wouldnā€™t have flipped from Clemson). And the same goes for running back. Hurd would have been a dual threat beast, and Kamara down to Kellyā€¦who sits? I could see Dee Williams being dangerous on offense, but heā€™s not better than others on the roster.
Hurd running down hill over and over at tempo, until we scored or the other team faked an injury.
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