Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Been at the ER with my husband all day. He had another episode last night where he can’t remember the day or events. Last night he couldn’t remember if he turned on the shower or got in, nothing about Christmas or that our son was in rehab. Then he had a seizure on me this morning. Lots of tests but we’re not able to do an MRI to see if there were mini strokes. Everything was fine except his sugar dropped really low while there. Doctor’s appointment next week. Y’all be praying please.
Prayers Soda
Went to the gym, had my coffee, and already wanting a beer. I’m so jacked up for this game tonight. Can’t believe I didn’t take the day off of work. Going to be a struggle to make it through the day. WGWTFA GBO!!!
Yep…. I have talked so much sh&t here at work…. I hope the Vols back me up tonight. 🤣
Been at the ER with my husband all day. He had another episode last night where he can’t remember the day or events. Last night he couldn’t remember if he turned on the shower or got in, nothing about Christmas or that our son was in rehab. Then he had a seizure on me this morning. Lots of tests but we’re not able to do an MRI to see if there were mini strokes. Everything was fine except his sugar dropped really low while there. Doctor’s appointment next week. Y’all be praying please.

Prayers for you and family
Been at the ER with my husband all day. He had another episode last night where he can’t remember the day or events. Last night he couldn’t remember if he turned on the shower or got in, nothing about Christmas or that our son was in rehab. Then he had a seizure on me this morning. Lots of tests but we’re not able to do an MRI to see if there were mini strokes. Everything was fine except his sugar dropped really low while there. Doctor’s appointment next week. Y’all be praying please.
God's got ya.
Prayers sent your way!
Wouldn't go that far, but folks should put his production in context. He was very good. I will always wonder what kind of career he'd have had if he'd kept his head straight.
He was good.....but not in the top 10 in school history....JMO.
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