Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Been at the ER with my husband all day. He had another episode last night where he can’t remember the day or events. Last night he couldn’t remember if he turned on the shower or got in, nothing about Christmas or that our son was in rehab. Then he had a seizure on me this morning. Lots of tests but we’re not able to do an MRI to see if there were mini strokes. Everything was fine except his sugar dropped really low while there. Doctor’s appointment next week. Y’all be praying please.
You have a lot on your shoulders right now. I pray you remain strong as much as your son and your husband heal.
The number of species on the brink of extinction saddens me. Think how many species have disappeared from the Earth in just the last few hundred years. It's important to find a balance between nature and the needs of man.
If it makes you feel any better, we have kangaroo rats all over the place here in the NM desert. I wish we could round them up and ship them to California.
Implied, maybe. Was stated that he was only 400 yards from being the All-Time leading rusher in school history. And I never said he sucked.
That’s production…real numbers. Anyone who argues “he sucked” would be on the wrong end of reality.
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That’s production…real numbers. Anyone who argues “he sucked” would be on the wrong end of reality.
He was productive. He was very good. Just not Henry.
And if he had finished the 2016 season, and was the all-time leading rusher is school history, I still would not say he was the "best." I'd still take his skill set any day.
I'm certainly not arguing that Hurd was better than Henry. He had more carries, but played behind a significantly inferior Oline. So you have to give him some credit as a Rb. He's not in my top 10 because he took his ball and went home.

Henry was a mauler and didn't shy away from contact. He is also not the best Rb to wear the orange. You could argue top 10, but he's not better than Webb, Lewis, Little man, Hayden, Garner, or Graham. I would put him somewhere after them.

What you can't argue with is that Hurd had a tremendous first two seasons. Whatever happened his junior year is when everyone turned on him.
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He was productive. He was very good. Just not Henry.
And if he had finished the 2016 season, and was the all-time leading rusher is school history, I still would not say he was the "best." I'd still take his skill set any day.
I guess I need to go back in the thread and see where that was stated. “Leading rusher” and “the best” are not one and the same…I agree.
Went to the gym, had my coffee, and already wanting a beer. I’m so jacked up for this game tonight. Can’t believe I didn’t take the day off of work. Going to be a struggle to make it through the day. WGWTFA GBO!!!
Ah I had to have the whole day just to prepare and get ready to WTFA 🤠 GBO 💥
Been at the ER with my husband all day. He had another episode last night where he can’t remember the day or events. Last night he couldn’t remember if he turned on the shower or got in, nothing about Christmas or that our son was in rehab. Then he had a seizure on me this morning. Lots of tests but we’re not able to do an MRI to see if there were mini strokes. Everything was fine except his sugar dropped really low while there. Doctor’s appointment next week. Y’all be praying please.
I'm certainly not arguing that Hurd was better than Henry. He had more carries, but played behind a significantly inferior Oline. So you have to give him some credit as a Rb. He's not in my top 10 because he took his ball and went home.

Henry was a mauler and didn't shy away from contact. He is also not the best Rb to wear the orange. You could argue top 10, but he's not better than Webb, Lewis, Little man, Hayden, Garner, or Graham. I would put him somewhere after them.

What you can't argue is that Hurd had a tremendous first two seasons. Whatever happened his junior year is when everyone turned on him.
I’d put Henry over Graham. Johnnie Jones also. Garner over James Stewart and Hayden suffers in that competition. Missing Reggie Cobb.
I am both excited and sadden for tonight's game. Can't believe the season is already over but real excited to see the 23' class getting in and seeing who all steps up. I do believe we really stepped up in talent and to think 14 out of this class got to practice with the team for 15 days is so valuable as they head toward Spring which will be here before you know it. Just think, Nico now has his feet wet, about to go through Spring practice and Fall camp. This isn't anything against Joe I hope he has the season of a life time cause that will speak volumes to other QB's looking to get developed by one of the best, but I do hope Nico pushes Joe to get better.

I’d put Henry over Graham. Johnnie Jones also. Garner over James Stewart and Hayden suffers in that competition. Missing Reggie Cobb.
I left Cobb out of my post because his story is such a tragedy. I was a 12 year old kid when he got booted from the team. I didn't understand how powerful drug addiction could be until I got much older. He was one of my favorite players ever and I still have a football signed by him. It was heartbreaking to see my hero go down like that.

He's 100% top 10
Not sure if already posted but Florida's starting safety Rashad Torrence is skipping Junior season and going pro.
I think it's way past time for the NFL to set up a model like MLB. Let kids who have no desire to be in a college classroom go straight to the league via a minor league. Yeah, I know that's what CFB is right now, but just end the pretense about tying play to the classroom. Kid doesn't want an education, so be it. Head to the league and give it your best shot. Likely won't eliminate every example of this, but it would make it a lot less likely IMO.
I am both excited and sadden for tonight's game. Can't believe the season is already over but real excited to see the 23' class getting in and seeing who all steps up. I do believe we really stepped up in talent and to think 14 out of this class got to practice with the team for 15 days is so valuable as they head toward Spring which will be here before you know it. Just think, Nico now has his feet wet, about to go through Spring practice and Fall camp. This isn't anything against Joe I hope he has the season of a life time cause that will speak volumes to other QB's looking to get developed by one of the best, but I do hope Nico pushes Joe to get better.

Those look like clemson colors on my laptop. You dun cursed us now!
I am both excited and sadden for tonight's game. Can't believe the season is already over but real excited to see the 23' class getting in and seeing who all steps up. I do believe we really stepped up in talent and to think 14 out of this class got to practice with the team for 15 days is so valuable as they head toward Spring which will be here before you know it. Just think, Nico now has his feet wet, about to go through Spring practice and Fall camp. This isn't anything against Joe I hope he has the season of a life time cause that will speak volumes to other QB's looking to get developed by one of the best, but I do hope Nico pushes Joe to get better.

You a closet Clemson fan with that GameDay?
Been at the ER with my husband all day. He had another episode last night where he can’t remember the day or events. Last night he couldn’t remember if he turned on the shower or got in, nothing about Christmas or that our son was in rehab. Then he had a seizure on me this morning. Lots of tests but we’re not able to do an MRI to see if there were mini strokes. Everything was fine except his sugar dropped really low while there. Doctor’s appointment next week. Y’all be praying please.
I certainly will, and I'll also be saying special prayers for your son. Stay so very close to him and his progress. Never, ever get comfortable with his status. God bless your family.
Dec. 30, 1972 HOUSTON —Bluebonnet Bowl

Vols - 24
LSU - 17

Condredge Holloway turned in his most electrifying performance of the season, completing 11 of 19 passes for 94 yards and rushing for 74 yards on 19 carries, to lead the Vols past SEC rival LSU 24-17 in the 1972 Astro-Bluebonnet Bowl. Holloway, who was named the game’s outstanding player, led the Vols to a 24-3 halftime lead, scoring twice and throwing a touchdown pass to tight end Jimmy Young. Known as the “Artful Dodger,” Holloway kept the Tigers off balance the first 30 minutes and left Vol fans wondering what might be ahead for the diminutive signal-caller. Things got tense for the Vols in the second half as LSU All-America quarterback Bert Jones led the Tigers to two second half scores. Jones was threatening a third when All-America and senior defensive back Conrad Graham cleanly broke up a fourth down pass at the Vol 10 to preserve the victory. Tennessee’s Carl Johnson was named the defensive player of the game. The game finished a 31-5 composite record for the Vol senior class.

LSU — Jackson 29 FG
TENN — Young 6 pass from Holloway (Townsend kick)
TENN — Holloway 15 run (Townsend kick)
TENN — Townsend 33 FG
TENN — Holloway 10 run (Townsend kick)
LSU — Jones 2 run (Jackson kick)
LSU — Davis 1 run (Jackson kick)

Dec. 30, 1972 HOUSTON —

Vols - 24
LSU - 17

Condredge Holloway turned in his most electrifying performance of the season, completing 11 of 19 passes for 94 yards and rushing for 74 yards on 19 carries, to lead the Vols past SEC rival LSU 24-17 in the 1972 Astro-Bluebonnet Bowl. Holloway, who was named the game’s outstanding player, led the Vols to a 24-3 halftime lead, scoring twice and throwing a touchdown pass to tight end Jimmy Young. Known as the “Artful Dodger,” Holloway kept the Tigers off balance the first 30 minutes and left Vol fans wondering what might be ahead for the diminutive signal-caller. Things got tense for the Vols in the second half as LSU All-America quarterback Bert Jones led the Tigers to two second half scores. Jones was threatening a third when All-America and senior defensive back Conrad Graham cleanly broke up a fourth down pass at the Vol 10 to preserve the victory. Tennessee’s Carl Johnson was named the defensive player of the game. The game finished a 31-5 composite record for the Vol senior class.

LSU — Jackson 29 FG
TENN — Young 6 pass from Holloway (Townsend kick)
TENN — Holloway 15 run (Townsend kick)
TENN — Townsend 33 FG
TENN — Holloway 10 run (Townsend kick)
LSU — Jones 2 run (Jackson kick)
LSU — Davis 1 run (Jackson kick)

Truly hated to see him graduate. One of my all-time favorites.
I think it's way past time for the NFL to set up a model like MLB. Let kids who have no desire to be in a college classroom go straight to the league via a minor league. Yeah, I know that's what CFB is right now, but just end the pretense about tying play to the classroom. Kid doesn't want an education, so be it. Head to the league and give it your best shot. Likely won't eliminate every example of this, but it would make it a lot less likely IMO.
The NFL doesn’t want to do that and it wouldn’t change much…. Baseball players still leave early all the time.
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