Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Awesome win. I was full nega, expected Clemson win, TBH. Glad for Banks and Milton. Going to enjoy this after 2020 debacle and kind of ended '21 with lots of questions after disappointing loss to Purdue in MCB. Can't wait for '23. Schedule seems manageable. Crush UVA. Hopefully TAMU and FL are is still trainwrecks. My worst case is 8-4. Baseline seems 9-3.
I couldn't hear the tv too well where I was at last night. Did I hear right that we had two OL go out early with eye injuries? Were they poking our eyes or what?
Currentlly rewatching the game. I now see why CJH was so upset with the refs and got the unsportsman like penalty. After Small's first down run, we quickly went to the line. The ref then held the ball (standing right in front of our center with the ball in his hand) for a full 8 seconds before he put it down for play. Game clock 6:29 to 6:21. Inexcusable.

I wonder what Heupel said to him? Refs have the biggest rabbit ears ever.

Big 10 refs have never had to deal with the pace. Heck, NW and Iowa run the opposite pace.
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