Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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That little ref had a smirk on his face talking to Heupel. They were standing over the ball the entire night letting Clemson get set. They knew exactly what they were doing. They were helping Clemson every chance they got.
That ref has a tiny little pecker

I have no direct knowledge just seems absolutely certain
I wonder what Heupel said to him? Refs have the biggest rabbit ears ever.

Big 10 refs have never had to deal with the pace. Heck, NW and Iowa run the opposite pace.
I think it was basically you have got to be kidding me....taking 10 seconds to spot the ball!! Maybe it was because he ran down the sideline to yell about it? Ridiculous on the spot and the penalty, regardless.
I think it was basically you have got to be kidding me....taking 10 seconds to spot the ball!! Maybe it was because he ran down the sideline to yell about it? Ridiculous on the spot and the penalty, regardless.
They spotted the ball relatively quick. The problem is they stood over it and allowed Clemson to leisurely get set.
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