Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Another thing pissing me off even more upon watching the game again..

They(broadcast and studio crews)keep going on and on and on about Clemson racking up yards in the middle of the field and not one damn time does anybody involved with this broadcast point out the absolute proven known fact that it is the Tennessee defenses MO to let that happen....we literally played our "Bend but do not break" defense to near perfection last night...Clemson was literally hitting a wall every damn drive once they got down to the 20-30 yard line was very enlightening to see Banks philosophy work, what he wants to do when it is executed to the best degree.

Considering the normal lethality of our offense it is not a bad philosophy no matter how frustrating it is to see.

Let them run up and down the field, give them FGs if they want and don't give up cheap really sucks when the defense breaks down and they don't tighten up in the RZ, or when they miss tackles/bust assignments and give up easy TDs...but when it is executed to a high degree it is extremely frustrating to opposing offenses.

I get it.

If you ever needed more proof that these announcing crews suck at their job...then you got all you wanted last night. Those guys are blind fools.
Another thing pissing me off even more upon watching the game again..

They(broadcast and studio crews)keep going on and on and on about Clemson racking up yards in the middle of the field and not one damn time does anybody involved with this broadcast point out the absolute proven known fact that it is the Tennessee defenses MO to let that happen....we literally played our "Bend but do not break" defense to near perfection last night...Clemson was literally hitting a wall every damn drive once they got down to the 20-30 yard line was very enlightening to see Banks philosophy work, what he wants to do when it is executed to the best degree.

Considering the normal lethality of our offense it is not a bad philosophy no matter how frustrating it is to see.

Let them run up and down the field, give them FGs if they want and don't give up cheap really sucks when the defense breaks down and they don't tighten up in the RZ, or when they miss tackles/bust assignments and give up easy TDs...but when it is executed to a high degree it is extremely frustrating to opposing offenses.

I get it.

If you ever needed more proof that these announcing crews suck at their job...then you got all you wanted last night. Those guys are blind fools.
I didn’t like the split screen lol
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