Recruiting Forum Football Talk VI

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Human nature. Itā€™s why Spurrier quit at Florida.

We had a great run of college QBā€™s starting with Andy Kelly and going through Casey Clusen (arguably Erik Ainge) but Peyton was the only one who panned out in the pros. Milton has the size and arm strength, next year will tell whether his accuracy and ability to read the defense are up to pro levels. If not him, then maybe Nico.
It's OK to say it's not the type if season you want. What's crazy is when you start thinking about replacing coaches who make the playoff or putting them on the hot seat.
Nobody worth a damn wouldnā€™t want to go back in. Thatā€™s why they make it a med staff call,
Players all the time be rattled as hell say ā€œIā€™m okā€.
Donā€™t be dumb.
You think with a NC game on the line they held him just because??
Can confirm.. worked ER short time (not my jam), and people will be like ā€˜Iā€™m fineā€™ with a concussion or blood gushing out and not in a nationally televised game lol He got his clock cleaned
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Happy New Year ya filthy morans and moranettes!

Where would a fellow moran go to watch a replay of a recent bowl game? Say... the Orange Bowl?
Just finished it here.

We still win. And Joe Milton was.... Really gooood.

Defense was better the second time around, like chili a couple days later....šŸ˜‰
Success kills all enjoyment if it's not tempered.

All the Clemson fans near me in Miami had Dabo being fired within 2 years. They think heā€™s lost it and is headed down. I could absolutely see Clemson spiraling into a 15+ year malaise post-Dabo. Theyā€™ve only had two elite runs in their history- the Ford years and then Dabo.
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Thanks for the input yall. Iā€™m going to keep Burrow in. Heā€™s been my consistent QB1 and itā€™s at home. May end up regretting it if Fields goes off.. but Iā€™m just too worried about the boom or bust of Fields.
CJH looking at Beamer on the way to SEC media days this year.
Just finished it here.

We still win. And Joe Milton was.... Really gooood.

Defense was better the second time around, like chili a couple days later....šŸ˜‰

I completely agree on the Milton take, but what did you see the second time that you originally missed? Or was it just confirming what you thought?
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Thanks for the input yall. Iā€™m going to keep Burrow in. Heā€™s been my consistent QB1 and itā€™s at home. May end up regretting it if Fields goes off.. but Iā€™m just too worried about the boom or bust of Fields.
i canā€™t blame you even tho I said go fields
You donā€™t get knocked out from shoulder to chest hits. Yā€™all denying there was helmet to helmet are blind or didnā€™t watch the replays.
There was incidental helmet contact, but the tackler led with his shoulder and made a clean hit. I would love to sit here and say it was a dirty hit, but it wasn't.
You donā€™t get knocked out from shoulder to chest hits. Yā€™all denying there was helmet to helmet are blind or didnā€™t watch the replays.
Actually you can be knocked out being hit in the chest, happened to me playing second base in softball. Shallow fly to right and right fielder hit me square in the chest with his nose, knocking me out . Broke his nose and fractured vertebrae in his neck.
There was incidental helmet contact, but the tackler led with his shoulder and made a clean hit. I would love to sit here and say it was a dirty hit, but it wasn't.
Never said it was a dirty hit.
My argument is with those that after clearly seeing helmets hit and him laying on the ground for a while and leaving the game to not return saying it wasnā€™t helmet to helmet and he was ok to come back in because he said so.
Common sense is a rare commodity around here sometimes.
It was a clean hit. Its football not badminton. To many trying to change this game to flag football.

I get that the extreme is a problem (NFL QBs, for instance), but football isn't as good when players get injured, and making changes to keep them healthy is better for the sport overall. Like most things, balance is good. The hit may have been legal, but the game wasn't improved by it.
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