Here's how I see it playing out...CBJ wants CZA at OC. I don't think CZA is quite ready. Work out a deal where CZA gets a Co-OC title and mentors under Debord for a couple years. The offensive system will remain the same. Play calling for the most part has nowhere to go but up IMO. After a year or two reevaluate, and if things have progressed as planned then CZA has the job. As detail oriented as CBJ is there's no way on earth the man doesn't have a plan in place. I just don't see it. The more I've read and thought about it, I'm honestly going to be fine with Debord. I'm ready to see what happens. I'm not ready to give up and freak out over the hire. CBJ really hasn't made any terrible moves yet and I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. Is it a sexy, exciting hire? Nah...but that's OK IMO. It seems to be a chance CBJ sees as worth taking and I'm fine with it. Coaches live by the sword and die by the sword. Let's see what these guys are made of...just a thought.