On the whole NegaVol vs. PosiVol thing, I think the debate suffers from the tendency to divide people into two very distinct categories when it's a lot more complicated than that. There are some people who are TRUE NegaVols; they absolutely refuse to acknowledge positives of any kind, they make moral losses out of actual victories, and they truly enjoy being constantly upset. Then there are some people who are TRUE PosiVols, who don't acknowledge any negatives, who make excuses for absolutely everything, and who will never say a bad word about the program no matter who is in charge or how well/poorly they are doing.
But in between those two extremes is an awful lot of variation. Some people tend to be more negative than positive, just as some people tend to be more pessimistic than optimistic, and vice versa. Being critical does not in and of itself make someone a "NegaVol." Pointing out positives and reasons why things might work out does not in and of itself mean someone is drinking the Big Orange Kool-Aid. It's not an either/or option.
Most people in the fanbase acknowledge that this season has been a disappointment and that this isn't acceptable going forward. But the set of available actions that could be taken is extremely limited right now. Some people are going to try and find hope, others are going to be pessimistic, and I think both are legitimate.