I like him more than Kelly his freshman year. You'll see when he hits open field. 💨💨💨💨
Not even joking.. I think ESPN should consider the possibility of Corso stroking out on live TV this year.
Take him off.
Now I can agree with this and what jave is saying. Option plays give you leverage and numbers and should be used often.
I'd love the see you and Herbstreit discuss, because I only understand things at a macro level, and you clearly have more micro knowledge than I do. I know the qb keepers freeze the defense on future plays and make our offense so much more effective, but I couldn't argue with you on whether QD should keep on a particular play beyond citing a pretty renowned analyst. Props for staying civil throughout the disagreement though.
He would absolutely destroy me. I disagree with him on this one play. I had the benefit of looking at the play 10-12 times and not on live TV. He was also looking for a point to slide that narrative about QD versus JD. He was doing his job. He just picked the wrong play to make that comment.
How use to playing Triple Option teams is JSU. I have no idea. I assume maybe more than UT, but not sure.
Biggest problem with the GT/UT game to me, was that it was even scheduled to begin with.
How use to playing Triple Option teams is JSU. I have no idea. I assume maybe more than UT, but not sure.
Biggest problem with the GT/UT game to me, was that it was even scheduled to begin with.
I read an article about ESPN and Corso recently and they know what they have with Corso. More people love him than hate him. Even the people who hate him still watch the program. They have a win win situation. Herbie always props Corso up when he kinda strays, so all is good. Give the man a break. He did have a stroke and that's why he messes up from time to time. Corso himself said he would stay as long as ESPN wanted him. You always have the option of not watching but something tells me you will always watch :loco::loco: