I get that the players made some mistakes but it's the coaches job to put them in favorable positions. This loss was on the coaches.
Blame for losses always fall squarely on the HC, however, the coaches did not lose this game, IMO.
6-3 game you don't throw a hitch from inside your own 10 with a shaky QB and aggressive D. You run and if you don't get the first you punt.
1st and goal inside the one you run, then run, then run again, from under center or a wildcat with JK and Chandler.
It was a called run on 1st down that was blown dead because Jack Jones had the false start, moving the ball back to the 6. On 1st down from the 6, from the alignment it looked like the initial call was another handful to JJ, as everyone was in tight with 2 receivers spread to the right. It was QD, not the coaches, who checked into a passing play,
as he should have, because he saw that UF had 9 defenders in the box and he had 2 one on one matchups on the outside. And he threw the perfect catchable pass to Palmer on his outside shoulder where only he could catch the ball. But Palmer made a freshman mistake and turned to look back over his left shoulder instead of his right, so that he had to do a 360* turn to get to the ball, and he didn't secure it. But it was a perfect read by QD and a good throw. On 2nd down it was a screen to JK, giving him the ball in space, but UF just did a nice job of sniffing it out. And then on 3rd and goal from the 6 your options are more limited. But bottom line, the intent was to run initially, but first a penalty, and then QD saw a packed box and one on one opportunities on the outside. If freshman WR doesn't make a freshman mistake that was an easy 6 pts.
1st and goal from the 9 you run, then run again, then depending on the first two plays either run again or throw a safe pass that can't get intercepted, all while running the clock down.
It depends on how the defense is aligned. I assume you are referring to UT's last drive. The coaches, or QD, obviously saw something in UF's alignment that made them go to the throw on first down, and I am having a hard time understanding why anyone is complaining about it. The middle of the defense was wide open and JK snuck into the void for what should have been a wide open TD, but JK simply didn't secure the ball. Pretty sure JK would tell you that was on him, not the coaches.
those points aren't really even debatable.
With all due respect, those points are very debatable. A good offense takes advantage of what the defense shows. And in those 2 series UT took advantage of what UF was showing defensively and should have had easy TDs in both situations if a player had executed correctly.