I don't mind posters talking about what ifs.
What if the game is moved?
What if our record is this?
What if this player gets hurt who do we play?
It makes this board fun.
I damn sure ain't going to use "if"
Statements and then criticize others for using them like you my friend.
Serious question.. from the nature of your posts how do you consider this "fun"?
Bruin, I don't know you personally but it seems like you expect the worse in everything Vol related. I could never enjoy something with the outlook you portray on here.
Maybe I miss something in your post or your intent doesn't come through but that's just my take. And that negativity you project is what gets me and everyone riled up because it's constant and unrelenting. Not to mention that you make claims that you portray as facts and then quickly throw an "Imo" on the end and then argue like it's a fact afterwards.
Just like you stated earlier that "trust has been broken and that is clearly what has happened here imo."
No one outside the program knows what has been said, promised or even hinted at. To say that is just reckless and something to argue about.
The only thing we as fans have to go by is JG's actions on the sidelines and he acted like a spooled kid who didn't get what he wanted for his birthday. Everything else is speculation.
That's why board like this are starved for insider info, no one knows what happens behind those closed doors and locker rooms.
But rumors are sexier than facts I suppose.
Edit.. and I'm not saying this attacking you. But constant negativity will get nothing but negativity back. You get back what you put out.