I don't care about MJ. I don't think it's especially good for you but neither are tobacco or alcohol. My problem is with the harder drugs. Virtually no one can lead a productive life using heroin, crack, or meth or other hard drugs. Society is left to pick up the pieces. With freedom comes responsibility, using those harder drugs very few can hold down a job to even pay for their drugs let alone their basic life needs of housing, food, and medical care.
There are many cost to society that are not part of the official statistics. As victim of drug induced crime, I know those cost. When an addict can't get his fix, he is willing to do anything including violent crime. Drug addicts broke into my home twice and robbed my business. Sure, insurance paid for my losses minus my deductible but since I was seen as high risk it became almost impossible to even get insurance. I had to raise my deductible to $10,000 and my premium went up by 400%.
I really don't care what someone puts in their body but it is disengenous to believe that society doesn't pay huge cost.