Exactly. Making drugs illegal is what causes all the problems of violence and the need to build so many prisons. It's all a money making scam, that's all it is. The government is influenced by special interest groups to keep drugs illegal to continue this ridiculous system of incriminating millions of americans for victimless crimes. They don't care about what's good or bad for people, their health or well being, they only care about making lots of $. If drugs were made legal their system would crumble and be bad for business.
If there were clinics or whatever where moron drug users could go buy heroin or crack there would be no violence and there would also be a lot less hard drug use. This would also cost taxpayers A LOT less $ than filling prisons and building new ones, hiring law enforcement, lawyers, etc...
The truth of the matter is too many people want to legislate morality in this country. They're afraid. The idea of legal drugs scares the sht out of them and they can't see the forest through the trees. And that is good for business. Pharmaceutical companies, beer companies, liquor, etc...all have special interest groups lining the pockets of the politicians to make it stay this way.
If people were educated enough in this country they would see through the bs and make the proper changes. I'd like that world for America and for my children. But we're a long way away unfortunately.