Recruiting Forum Off Topic Thread III

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I prefer to think of God as a dog. It is his named spelled backwards...and the worst dog is better than the best human. Fact.
Jake linked a story to my example but here is another from his autobiography, basically as to why if you're trying to, in your mind, enlighten someone, maybe insulting their beliefs isn't the best approach.
Saying someone is wrong isn't insulting their beliefs. If you have cancer and are dying though you think you feel pretty good, you don't say that the doctor who diagnoses you with cancer is insulting you, do you?

We have to stop thinking that everyone who questions us is insulting us. The only harsh language thrown around here today has been directed at me. And I'm not over here complaining about my beliefs being insulted, am I? No. So why is it that everyone else is insulted when I question their beliefs, but its perfectly acceptable for the 10 or so on here today to question mine. It's really strange actually.

Why get insulted about an important discussion? If you can't discuss your beliefs without feeling insulted, then avoid the topic. It isn't that hard.

And, by the way, my approach today has been much softer than what we find in the New Testament where Paul says this: "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed." Galatians 1:8-9

So if I want to reach people, I will do it the way that I see taught in the New Testament. The gospel is scandalous and offensive. I can't help that.
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Is that true about David? You know that? I mean, no one can know what's true, right?
I mean, if you have proof of David, please show us. Or proof that God exists or that Jesus was resurrected. Or any of these things the Bible talks about. If you show me proof, I'm all in, bass.
Not only did He destroy it with a flood once before, but He will destroy it again, but this time with fire. It's a mistake to think that He is like us and reacts like us with passion and anger. No, the Bible includes anthropopathism and anthropomorphisms to help us be able to comprehend things which are much too high for us. But the mistake that we often make is that we make God in our image when He is not. He is holy, and since He is holy, He must punish sin, and He will. But that is why He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. All sin will be punished, every single one. They will be punished in one of two ways. I will either endure the punishment myself for my sin. Or, I can look to Jesus, who endured my punishment in my place so that I wouldn't have to. Christ took the punishment for the sins of those who believe in Him. His was a substitution, an act of grace, to save us from the wrath of holy God. In fact, that is what the gospel teaches, that God saves us from Himself, by providing Christ. He then invites you to receive Him and thus receive salvation from that judgment that is to come.
"Im going to make you faulty then blame you for your faultiness." - God.
Is that right? The being that created sin then has to send in his own son to save us from that sin he created when he couldve just Thanos snapped his fingers to make it all go away and save us from this lifelong fear that if we dont accept Christ as our savior then we burn for ALL eternity? Also why have his son be, according to the Bible, horribly tortured? What kind of sick mind would send their son to be brutally beaten and stabbed and crucified instead of again just snapping his fingers to make sin dissolve? Sounds pretty messed up to me and like we're supposed to Love God out of a horrifying Fear.
They do. All religions do.

Something created all of this. Each religion has their variations on how to find this greater power but the path converges to the same place. To god. Looking down upon others and judging them for how they find god means that you’re on the path but you’re at a stand still. Learn to love and accept your brothers and sisters. You’ll notice a huge change in your life.
Was Jesus on a stand still? Because, as I quoted earlier, He condemned other religions. Did He need to learn to accept others? Because He said they are all condemned if they try to reach the Father any way but through Him.
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Why is that the only option? If someone says that the moon is made of cheese, someone else says its made of pancake batter, and the other says its made of rock, is everyone right or is everyone wrong? No, one is right and the others are wrong. If Christ died and rose again, then Christianity is right, and everything else is wrong. It all hinges on Him and thus any religion then that denies Him is false.

Bad example, the moon has been landed on and was studied and confirmed to be rock. The thing is all religion is belief, and no belief can be proven scientifically speaking. Because once it's proven it's then no longer a belief.
I mean, if you have proof of David, please show us. Or proof that God exists or that Jesus was resurrected. Or any of these things the Bible talks about. If you show me proof, I'm all in, bass.
How can I present proof when, as you say, no one can know the truth anyway? I mean, what proof would you accept? Creation alone is proof of God, its foolish to think that nothing exploded and here we are.

Further, what proof would you accept of the resurrection? Obviously nobody was standing their video taping it. But we have the words of multiple eye witnesses who died proclaiming that they had seen the resurrected Lord. They had nothing to gain from it, they received nothing in this life, no riches or love. No, they were tortured and brutally murdered because they claimed to have seen Jesus rise from the dead. Why would they do that if they were lying? Why didn't the Jews or the Romans just take people and show them His body if He was still in the tomb? If that tomb had a body in it, Christianity would never have started. But I'm sure this isn't enough for you, or anything else. Because these things happened in history before the iPhone existed and we have to take the words of eyewitnesses.

What proof do you accept for other events in history? I suspect your problem is not with proof, for there is plenty of it, but with your worldview, which, judging by your comments today, is a naturalistic worldview which would not allow for the supernatural. If that is your worldview, thousands of eyewitness testimony would not be enough to convince you of anything, let alone the hundreds of eyewitnesses of the resurrection of Christ.
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"Im going to make you faulty then blame you for your faultiness." - God.
Is that right? The being that created sin then has to send in his own son to save us from that sin he created when he couldve just Thanos snapped his fingers to make it all go away and save us from this lifelong fear that if we dont accept Christ as our savior then we burn for ALL eternity? Also why have his son be, according to the Bible, horribly tortured? What kind of sick mind would send their son to be brutally beaten and stabbed and crucified instead of again just snapping his fingers to make sin dissolve? Sounds pretty messed up to me and like we're supposed to Love God out of a horrifying Fear.
You've started from a false premise. God did not create sin nor did He create sinful beings. the Bible is clear in Genesis 1 and 2 that God created this world, including the first man and woman, very good and without sin. Sin was introduced by man choosing to disobey God.

You also start from another false premise, that a holy judge can just ignore sin or sweep it under the rug. You don't understand the holiness of God. All of your statements come from judgments that you have made with your own mind. You haven't started with God, that is the problem. And the Son did it willingly, so that He could take the punishment that you deserve. He laid His life down for our sake, no one forced Him. The ridicule that you give Him here for this is astonishing really, for you give ridicule to what is owed thanksgiving and praise.
Bad example, the moon has been landed on and was studied and confirmed to be rock. The thing is all religion is belief, and no belief can be proven scientifically speaking. Because once it's proven it's then no longer a belief.
Everything that happened in the past is a belief. Everything before the invention of video cameras and recording devices are the words of men written down and passed on. We have no evidence of any event in ancient history that is different than that. The New Testament just happens to be the most attested book in all of ancient literature. What an amazing coincidence.
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"Im going to make you faulty then blame you for your faultiness." - God.
Is that right? The being that created sin then has to send in his own son to save us from that sin he created when he couldve just Thanos snapped his fingers to make it all go away and save us from this lifelong fear that if we dont accept Christ as our savior then we burn for ALL eternity? Also why have his son be, according to the Bible, horribly tortured? What kind of sick mind would send their son to be brutally beaten and stabbed and crucified instead of again just snapping his fingers to make sin dissolve? Sounds pretty messed up to me and like we're supposed to Love God out of a horrifying Fear.

This is a central argument against Christianity. Humans are born into a pre-constructed choice, be saved and follow the teachings of a man who lived 2000 year before they did or go to hell. That sucks.
You've started from a false premise. God did not create sin nor did He create sinful beings. the Bible is clear in Genesis 1 and 2 that God created this world, including the first man and woman, very good and without sin. Sin was introduced by man choosing to disobey God.

You also start from another false premise, that a holy judge can just ignore sin or sweep it under the rug. You don't understand the holiness of God. All of your statements come from judgments that you have made with your own mind. You haven't started with God, that is the problem. And the Son did it willingly, so that He could take the punishment that you deserve. He laid His life down for our sake, no one forced Him. The ridicule that you give Him here for this is astonishing really, for you give ridicule to what is owed thanksgiving and praise.
WHOA what a revelation. Mankind invented Sin?? So God then is not omnipotent or all-knowing. How could little ol' Adam & Eve create something that the greatest, most influential and powerful being of alltime ever didnt know about it?

Im genuinely not trying to ridicule the religion but the amount of selective morality one has to have to be religious seems exhausting. And to be honest, you dont know God's nature either, youre speaking like youre an authority on his motives & such but youre just a man, like me, reading a book. And on that note, its time to support the Lord's chicken and head to chik fil a for lunch.
Yeah... we're sooooo much more enlightened than those who existed in the past. Dude, we stand on their shoulders. Go try and read the Puritans and then come in here with that type of attitude. Good luck.

and what did the Puritans know about science or the world around them? Because they used an archaic language they were smarter? Step away from humanity for a second and look at this world, this solar system, the universe. We are less than an atom on an atom of a speck of dust. Whatever is driving this bus, it doesn't give a crap about some hairless animals killing each other on a blue marble.
WHOA what a revelation. Mankind invented Sin?? So God then is not omnipotent or all-knowing. How could little ol' Adam & Eve create something that the greatest, most influential and powerful being of alltime ever didnt know about it?

Im genuinely not trying to ridicule the religion but the amount of selective morality one has to have to be religious seems exhausting. And to be honest, you dont know God's nature either, youre speaking like youre an authority on his motives & such but youre just a man, like me, reading a book.
All we know about God is what He has revealed to us, true. He is an infinite being and we will never grasp all of who He is.

Second, I didn't realize that you were talking matters of divine providence. Is that really a discussion you want to have here because, quite frankly, there is no answer to the question on why could Adam sin or why was the serpent allowed in the garden. the Bible doesn't tell us. All we know is this, God has chosen to glorify Himself in the salvation of His elect people through the person and work of Christ. That's the only answer I could give to that question because the Bible is silent on that topic and to go outside the Bible and speculate about eternal matters is foolish.
I mean, if you have proof of David, please show us. Or proof that God exists or that Jesus was resurrected. Or any of these things the Bible talks about. If you show me proof, I'm all in, bass.

You are free to think and decide for yourself what you choose to believe, but I ask you to just consider how improbable we are scientifically. The exactness of everything is astounding. If the Earth was a fraction off axis to the Sun, there would be no life. If the Moon was a fraction off axis to the Earth, there would be no life. The millions upon millions of little miracles that occur in just one human cell should at the very least make you wonder how it all could just occur from atoms smashing together. We are insignificant yes, but we are statistically astronomically improbable creatures.
and what did the Puritans know about science or the world around them? Because they used an archaic language they were smarter? Step away from humanity for a second and look at this world, this solar system, the universe. We are less than an atom on an atom of a speck of dust. Whatever is driving this bus, it doesn't give a crap about some hairless animals killing each other on a blue marble.
Everything we know about science comes from people before us. It is true that David, a man who lived thousands of years ago before the invention of a microscope, didn't know as much about science as we do today. So what? That doesn't mean anything or else lets just ignore everything that anyone ever said in history about everything. David doesn't try to be a scientist in his poetic writings about God.

Further, this solar system was created for the glory of God and really, looking at all of it should lead you to wonder and not to some crazy idea that once there was nothing here, and then, uncaused, nothing exploded, and all of that beauty and order in the universe just happened on its own, uncaused, out of nothing.
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You are free to think and decide for yourself what you choose to believe, but I ask you to just consider how improbable we are scientifically. The exactness of everything is astounding. If the Earth was a fraction off axis to the Sun, there would be no life. If the Moon was a fraction off axis to the Earth, there would be no life. The millions upon millions of little miracles that occur in just one human cell should at the very least make you wonder how it all could just occur from atoms smashing together. We are insignificant yes, but we are statistically astronomically improbable creatures.

you do realize there are billions of planets right? By virtue of chance at least one had to line up in such a way to create life.
Everything that happened in the past is a belief. Everything before the invention of video cameras and recording devices are the words of men written down and passed on. We have no evidence of any event in ancient history that is different than that. The New Testament just happens to be the most attested book in all of ancient literature. What an amazing coincidence.

My birth happened in the past, is it just a belief?

...or doesn't my existence today prove it as more than a belief?

I think the vacuum that is Jesus' life is why most have issue with the history and proving it. As you yourself point out it's just words of men written down and passed along, and how many men actually knew Jesus directly in a time of such poor connection to the rest of the world? Hundreds? Thousands?

I don't know it's hard to give proof when the majority of it exist within the scripture you're trying to validate I guess.
Was Jesus on a stand still? Because, as I quoted earlier, He condemned other religions. Did He need to learn to accept others? Because He said they are all condemned if they try to reach the Father any way but through Him.
I interpret it differently. All religions are leading to the same god. I read it as him condemning people that pretend to be showing the way but are just trying to further their own agenda or are in pursuit of some worldly gains.
Everything we know about science comes from people before us. It is true that David, a man who lived thousands of years ago before the invention of a microscope, didn't know as much about science as we do today. So what? That doesn't mean anything or else lets just ignore everything that anyone ever said in history about everything. David doesn't try to be a scientist in his poetic writings about God.

Further, this solar system was created for the glory of God and really, looking at all of it should lead you to wonder and not to some crazy idea that once there was nothing here, and then, uncaused, nothing exploded, and all of that beauty and order in the universe just happened on its own, uncaused, out of nothing.

Didn't say that. There is a reason why it's all here, something caused it. I believe in intelligent design but not some small minded mortal men's version of it. We cannot fathom why we are here just like we can't fly or travel in time.
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