Recruiting forum off topic thread (no politics, covid, or hot button issues)

If that’s what you think, that’s fine. But I did call burn commitment to the date, no one saw that coming, I also told next 5 commits in order. And I’m 3 for 3 on that list. About to be 4 of 4. I told you all that Staley was on board weeks ago. I don’t listen to AP, and certainly not Callahan. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Take it as an honor that he’s poring over your posts and using post-it notes and charts and ****. 😏

Just the way I am I guess. If I think someone might be full of it, I don't just nod and go along. I usually call them out and see if they get defensive. It's nothing serious at all.
You’re quite the narcissist. If I find someone’s posts to be gas lighting and annoying then I put them on ignore - welcome to my ever growing list!
Just the way I am I guess. If I think someone might be full of it, I don't just nod and go along. I usually call them out and see if they get defensive. It's nothing serious at all.
The board is better with fake/real insiders…. It becomes a convoluted mess with people trying to discuss whether they are real or not… Everyone is able to determine on their own who they trust and who they ignore.
So the decision is the the Biden administration can't forgive the loans without the Senate passing a law to do so?
Supreme Court got it right
Loans are meant to be paid back, you know that going in
I don’t understand why people don’t get that, especially ones with college education
It has nothing to do with people not getting it. 18 year old kids are being pressured to take loans out that put them underwater. Now days there are a few, but not many jobs that actually pay well enough to do without having a degree.
Hell the job I'm at now 20 years ago they'd train anybody off the street, but now if you don't have a 4 year degree they won't even talk to you. But guess what the pay is pretty much the same as it was 20 years ago.
We need to stop forcing college down everyone's throat.

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